Let me give you a simple🚦roadmap to know where you are and where you should go next.
🔑Key Concepts
Every website has two parts. A Fr...
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good stuff. i would recommend looking at nginx, though, either instead of or as well as apache. also, building some understanding of swagger/openapi. even if you use a framework that builds docs for you, understanding how to hand write/edit them can be very useful.
Great suggestion. THANKS.
Seems like a scam or stealing.
good article, I don't want to be disrespectful or anything but 6 months is unrealistic for backend development especially for a beginner that has never touched code. If you have previous experience and you know the fundamentals of programming etc. 6 months would be a realistic goal. It's coming up to a year now for me and i have done so much i have background in frontend, backend. I have made dozens of API's. I've made my own website agency where i sell templates and offer full design and development services i have integrated PayPal and AWS in my website and it was made with react, MongoDB, Nodejs, Express. my point is all I've had is interviews but not got the job and I've got a year experience and i done all that off my own back and not copying from Youtube and so on pure research and hard grafting and its been mental torture lol. now i currently doing a computer science degree hoping it would give me more of a chance to get my dream job. Also sorry about the rant HAHA
Its certainly true that becoming a backend developer in 6 months is hard for beginners who never touched code. But everything is possible under hard work and consistency. if they're dedicated and commit 2-4 hours every single day learning to code, its become easy. nothing comes easy first. finally, getting a job is highly dependent on your interview preparations and communication skills I believe. There are lots of programmer out there who had outstanding skillsets but not good at communication, thus didn't land a job... yet.
If you said becoming a frontend developer in 6 months that is possible for like you said hard work and consistency and dedicated to commit up to 2-4 hours every single day learning to code, Cause they could learn html CSS and fundamental's of JavaScript under 6 months like i did and i never touched code in my life until last year took me month to learn html and about month and half with CSS cause i didn't understand the positioning and layout. and JavaScript took me abit longer due to for loops and i didn't understand that you literally have to be so specific with every line of code else it will just throw an error lol. I strongly disagree with backend developer in 6 months but that's my opinion other than that i enjoyed reading your article anyway.
It depends on the individual's learning phase or how much effort they put in, I believe. Anyway thank you so much for sharing your own experience.
Yes I have really struggled to learn anything from following through examples about API restAPI sql etc yet have plodded along fairly well with front end stuff. I really need backend knowhow however or will build clunky things that need hosting I cannot be sure is the correct host. This is now happening as I introduce js into my work but find it slows the css and html down. Many many months of practice and interest and passion and skills already are mine.
If your struggling backend development let me know and i will try to assist you in anyway. if you want me to make a tutorial on how to do something i will make one on here for you to get you up and running and il explain and annotate the code so it's easier to understand for you're future backend projects.
Check out my new article to setting up mongoDB and cloning a API template Repository.
Lots of scammers are commenting on this article. Please don't click any of these garbage links.
Good reading, thank you so much :)
Glad it helped!!
Great article, you give a very clear map on how to become a great backend developer, thanks
You're welcome. Glad it helped you!
Such an interesting read. Some people may think 6 months is not enough to achieve this, but if one is committed and focused, its very achievable.
I totally agree with you. 6 months is a BIG time. Of course, if you're CONSISTENT and practice EVERY single day.
It was an awesome post !! Helped me check what areas I need to focus on next as a backend developer. One thing I personally believe is the git and version control system should be the first in the roadmap as it can help track our projects we do during learning of other concepts :)
Thanks for your feedback. I think learning Git first can be confusing for beginners, especially if they are unfamiliar with programming languages or building projects. Once they've learned creating a single piece of work that performs specific functions, it's time to learn git and start committing their works to git repositories.
Thank you so much I am currently learning PHP and I find this very helpful
You're welcome.
Good read
Very good post... thanks for your time !
You're welcome.
Thanks for sharing
you're welcome.
Cool, informative and well structured article!
Glad to hear that.
Thanks bro! Very helpful
Glad it was helpful. Keep learning..
It mentions basic ways to become a professional backend developer.
As a senior backend developer, I recommend this roadmap to beginner developers to follow.
And thanks for your wonderful blog.
You're welcome, and Thanks for your recommendation. I agree that its a perfect roadmap for beginners.
This was great reading, Thanks :)
you're welcome. Glad it helped!
I wholeheartedly agree
I'm sure AI will be more reasonable with timelines in a roadmap than this!
I agree with some of the comments here:
Great article. I would alternatively suggest digging into Java as a primary language. It encompasses very important fundamentals, such as static types and compilation. While it is easier getting into dynamic languages for a beginner, I believe that it is essential to learn about types and data structures.
I would initially skip the frameworks altogether and suggest writing a well structured console application
In addition to being a skilled backend developer, it is crucial to excel at writing clear and comprehensive documentation. This applies whether the documentation is intended for internal or external use.
For reference, take a look at how we @ Apyhub - document APIs for external audiences, ensuring a smooth integration experience for developers.
We're constantly improving it, so appreciate the feedback as well
If this medium is to be taken more seriously, quotes like the one above should be moderated more closely.
Simply put no one, and I repeat no one, will hire a back-end developer whose experience is six months of personal projects.
Is there any courses, other than CS50 that goes in depth in these with python?
I found Mosh to be the best tutor for Python. You might look into his full comprehensive Python course: youtu.be/_uQrJ0TkZlc?si=nyHVhc95J9...
Saya suka ini
Memudahkan untuk perjalanan
Kemana dan bagaimana dijelakan dengan terang dan gamblang
Even without a certificate?
Yes. Building projects and pushing them to your Github is more valuable than a certificate or degree. Certificate is optional. Practical knowledge is mandatory.
You can also checkout Elixir is a good backend/frontend stack :)
Have you looked into Tublian 8020? It can generate personalized roadmaps. dev.to/tublian/the-future-of-devel...
Can it really be that fast?
Yep, 6 months is a lot of time.
What about nodejs? and is 6 months really the right time frame ?
Node.js is a javascript runtime environment ... so if you already have javascript knowledge, you can go with node.js. And yeah if you spend 2-4 hours a day learning to code... 6 month is a plenty amount of time for backend.
It is not possible to become a back end developer in six months. not with much dedication. he had just learned the concepts. Sorry but it's reality
wow!! conteúdo riquíssimo
Thanks for sharing this roadmap! Do you have recommendations for the topics this article covers?