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[Comment from a deleted post]
cryptoraptor profile image

Thank you for your kind response.

To make this work, it was required to add the "only_path: true" parameter to route_for, i.e.

direct :rails_public_blob do |blob|
if Rails.env.production?
File.join("", blob.key)
route_for(:rails_blob, blob, only_path: true)

Without "only_path: true", I was getting this message:

Missing host to link to! Please provide the :host parameter, set default_url_options[:host], or set :only_path to true

After this was fixed, howerver, I noticed that the rails_public_blob helper started returning a path to the "master" image and not to the variant, i.e.

force the creation of the variant:

blob = current_user.avatar.variant(variant_options).blob

image_path = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_public_blob_url(blob)

image_path points to the master image, not to the variant. This wasn't happening before. Any ideas? :)

Thanks for any insight!


lipanski profile image
Florin Lipan

Hi Eduardo

I just updated the post with the solution for variants. Please have a look. It appears variants have their own URL helper rails_representation_url.

cryptoraptor profile image

Thank you, Florin! It works wonderful now. I still needed to add "only_path: true" to "route_for", i.e.:

route_for(route, blob, only_path: true)

Thanks for the great post and the generous assistance. 😊