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A Narrative Guide About Lazy Loading Of Images And Its Significance

“Content is the king”. If you are engaged in the digital era, this is one line that you stumble across every now and then. This is true but you can’t overlook the way in which content is presented on the website. Images along with infographics and some fancy effects are some effective aids to promote the content in an excellent way. They surely grab the attention of visitors and even convey the crux of the whole thing in one frame. Therefore as the leading web designing company in India, we rely highly on images to make the websites more interactive and enhance engagement rates on the web pages.

But one thing to note here is that images do take time to load on the webpage. To the top of it, if the users are on a slow connection, it will take forever to load. And this will be a total turn off for users who will literally abandon the website within the first few seconds only.

Now as the leading web development company in India we have been asked these few questions frequently. Therefore in this post, we are discussing these questions related to fast loading of images or an alternative that won’t hinder you in delivering a user-friendly experience. Here it goes:

How to make heavy images load faster on web pages?
Unless you are a web developer, every kind of content might appear similar to you and therefore the question “why do images take so much time to load” is often asked by us.

The webpage constitutes of different elements which are text, images, media files, script and a lot more. So when you click the webpage, the browser makes the request which is termed as an HTTP request to the website to load all these elements. Now, the point to notice here is not every element is the same and hence takes different time to load. Images are byte-heavy to that of textual content and hence take time for loading. Usually, every element tries to load at the same time which ends up delaying the loading of the whole web page. And delayed loading webpage as per the current framework is a big NO-NO.

So, what’s the solution to address this problem? As the best web developers in India, we would suggest is to make the fast loading content appear first on the webpage so as to hold the attention of the visitor. You can delay the loading of the heavy images simultaneously. This is one effective approach in order to lower down the bounce rate. The reason is pretty simple as it will persuade the users to wait as the webpage has got some elements loaded to hold their attention.

Lazy loading: what is it and how it helps?
What is it?
Lazy loading technique is useful in delaying images. With its aid, the developers can make text or other selected content to load first while lagging images and other elements that take time to load. Staggered loading of images helps in improving the first byte of the webpage. The concept is quite simple as images are fetched one at a time when users scroll down on them. This reduces the HTTP requests which hits the server concurrently.

It’s the placeholder where the images are placed and they are fetched from the server only when they reach the viewing area. “Above the fold” is the name used for that area and as images move closer to it, they start appearing on the screen.

Now the question we have been asked as the best web developers in India was, what happened user go for infinite scrolling? Well, in that case, more images can be loaded with the help of ajax as the user scroll down to the bottom of the screen.

How does it help?
If it is to be summoned in one line that how lazy loading helps, it would go as -

Lazy loading allows faster loading of a smaller initial page and save HTTP requests for items that might not be necessary if the user never gets there.

To be precise, the lazy loading technique is adopted by the best web development company in India for reducing the loading time of the website. If you are aware of some norms of “SURVIVAL” in digital space, you know how significant loading speed is. It not only is helpful in delivering a better user-friendly experience but also for search engine rankings. If your website isn’t loaded in the first few seconds, there are good chances that users might leave it then and there.

Server bandwidth is reduced with the aid of lazy loading which ensures that images are loaded only when they are required. Thus bandwidth is saved on both the sides - at server’s as well as a user’s end. You can go for this technique for some selected web pages or even the whole site wide. Lazy loading can be applied by the best web development company.

In a nutshell:
While there are web developers who would not favor it but we definitely think it’s a good technique that works in your favor. It might not be the requirement of the blogs and websites where textual content dominates but surely a convenience for the websites with lots of image media. It is one sure shot way for improving the site speed and especially for the website that features lots of media files like images and videos. There are many plug-ins available on WordPress that helps you in incorporating this. We are not saying, it’s the only way you can do it. Other methods like caching along with image optimization are also ideal for improving the loading speed.

For improved page speed and for better user experience Lazy loading technique is now used on a wide scale by many top web developers In India. You can even have this for your website. To know more about Lazy loading and how it can be used in your web design, you can hire the experts of the best web design company in India.

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