DEV Community

Discussion on: Is DRM malicious code?

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Ben Lovy • Edited

It's just as malicious as any non-free code.

That's what I'm not convinced of, I can't tell if it's a different category or not. It's not undesired, it does exactly what it's advertised to do. I understand the argument that any non-free code should be considered malicious, and whether or not I agree is irrelevant - I think this is a different question. Is DRM that you understand and opt in to objectively worse than any arbitrary closed source software that you understand and opt in to?

When I use something like Chrome, I have no pretenses about the fact there is machinery I do not fully understand watching me, that's part of the contract.

I do agree that widevine provides functionality that would be better for everyone if could be provided FOSS-like.