DEV Community

Are most of my followers bot?

Swastik Baranwal on March 09, 2020

I am noticing that I getting a lot of followers in a day. I saw the people who followed me and only some of them ever commented or wrote an article.

Are there bots in here and how will I know that I have bots following me?

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

I'm definitely a bot, sorry.

delta456 profile image
Swastik Baranwal • Edited

Sorry. You are great! 😍

glennmen profile image
Glenn Carremans

Some of them might be bots indeed, every platform has issues with bots.
But DEV has an onboarding feature that suggests authors that might be interesting to follow based on the tags you selected on sign up. This is maybe why you have a lot of followers that are new users.
Here is a post from @ben about this feature: