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Dipali Kulshrestha
Dipali Kulshrestha

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Unlock & Share data Securely with Amazon Datazone


In today's data-driven world, organizations of all sizes – small, medium, and large – are striving to become more data-centric. They want to empower everyone with the power of data, but this becomes increasingly challenging as organizations grow.

Common Pain Points:

Finding the Right Data: Struggling to locate relevant data sets within the vast amount of information.
Data Trust & Ownership: Difficulty in verifying data integrity and identifying data owners.
Querying Diverse Data Sources: Challenges in querying data from various sources and formats using preferred tools.
Secure Collaboration & Governance: Lack of a secure way to share data analysis while ensuring proper governance across different data sources and tools.

Financial Services Use Case:

Let's consider a financial services company undergoing a digital transformation journey. They envision a scenario where data is:

Searchable & Accessible: Easy to find and use by everyone.
Trusted & Reliable: Data integrity is verifiable, and owners are clearly identified.
Simpler to Use: Enables efficient data utilization through user-friendly tools.
Catalyst for Innovation: Drives transformation and empowers data-driven decision-making.
Maximizes Reuse: Encourages data sharing and collaboration across teams.

Solution: Amazon DataZone as a Data Marketplace

To achieve these goals, Amazon DataZone offers a modern data ecosystem that connects data producers and consumers within the organization. It functions as a secure data marketplace where users can:

Access & Share: Find and share data products in a governed manner.
Enhanced Collaboration: Facilitate faster, simpler, and secure collaboration between data producers and consumers.
Real-Time Decision Making: Empower real-time insights and data-driven decisions.

Implementation: Multi-Account Setup with DataZone

We can leverage a multi-account setup within AWS to implement DataZone. This ensures data producers and consumers have dedicated AWS accounts while enabling secure data collaboration facilitated by DataZone.

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Improved Data Findability: Easy discovery of relevant data sets.
Enhanced Data Trust: Clear data ownership and verifiable data integrity.
Unified Data Access: Query data from various sources and formats using preferred tools.
Secure Collaboration & Governance: Streamlined data sharing with built-in governance controls.
Faster Decision Making: Empowers data-driven decision making with real-time insights.

Technical Architecture

  • Data lake in a data producer account (where data assets are available)
  • Then we have a central Governing Datazone Account
  • And, thirdly we have Consumer's accounts who wants to consume datalake data available in producer's account

This is how the technical architecture looks like:

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Demo to produce or consume data is available at:


Amazon DataZone unlocks the power of data within your organization. It creates a secure and collaborative environment for data producers and consumers, ultimately driving innovation and data-driven success.

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