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Divyanshu Shekhar
Divyanshu Shekhar

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Operating System Process Scheduling

Do You know, what is that magical behind-the-scenes mechanism that allows your computer to juggle multiple tasks effortlessly? If your answer is no, then Buckle up as we will be going on an adventurous journey to understand the inner workings of process scheduling in operating system, its importance, and how it ensures smooth multitasking. So, let’s get started!

What is Process Scheduling?

Process scheduling is the fundamental mechanism employed by operating systems to manage and allocate system resources to multiple processes or tasks running concurrently.

It determines the order in which processes are executed, ensuring that every task gets its fair share of the CPU’s attention.

You can imagine a chef juggling various dishes simultaneously; that’s what process scheduling does for your computer!

If you are not aware of what a process is in operating system, first learn about process in operating system and then move forward.

Why Process Scheduling is needed?

The Need for Process Scheduling You might be wondering, why bother with process scheduling? Well, imagine a world without it – your computer would freeze up, leaving you stuck with one task at a time.

Process scheduling optimizes resource utilization, improves system efficiency, and enhances user experience. It’s the superhero of multitasking!

Operating System Process Scheduling Algorithms
Now, we’ll explore various operating system process scheduling algorithms that dictate how the CPU selects and assigns tasks.

From the straightforward FCFS to the dynamic Multilevel Queue Scheduling, each algorithm has its quirks and charm.

First-Come, First-Serve (FCFS) Scheduling

Imagine you’re waiting in line at a bustling coffee shop, eagerly anticipating your turn to place an order. Just like in real life, First-Come, First-Serve (FCFS) Scheduling works on the principle of serving tasks based on their arrival time.

How FCFS Scheduling Works?

FCFS scheduling is one of the simplest scheduling algorithms. It operates on the basis of a queue, where processes are placed in the order they arrive.

The CPU executes the processes in the same order, following a “first in, first out” approach. Once a process starts executing, it continues until it completes or is interrupted.

The FCFS algorithm can be explained using a real-life analogy. Imagine you’re a teacher grading assignments. You stack the assignments in the order you received them, and you grade them one by one, starting from the top of the stack. The first assignment you received is the first one you grade, and so on.

Similarly, FCFS scheduling processes tasks in the order they arrive, without considering their execution time or priority.

Read the full blog on: Process Scheduling. Find the blog on Google: Process Scheduling Operating System.

Top comments (1)

pauljlucas profile image
Paul J. Lucas

This shouldn't be tagged #c. You don't mention C at all. The fact that some OSs are written in C is irrelevant.