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Discussion on: Node.js with TypeScript, Debug inside VSCode and Nodemon

dtx92 profile image

Awesome, thanks
But can you please explain, how do I add support for module aliases?

oieduardorabelo profile image
Eduardo Rabelo • Edited

thanks for your comment,

absolutely, for this setup it would be a little bit tricky, because:

  • we are not using a bundler (e.g. webpack, rollup etc)
  • if you use a module alias, the output Node.js code (e.g. inside "dist/*.js"), will have the aliased path, since TypeScript does not replace the import path string
  • because of that, you will need to maintain some kind of module alias resolution in the prod version for Node.js only (e.g. you need to start your server with a module alias solution)
  • we also need to keep mappings for Jest, because Jest doesn't use TypeScript module resolution

let's put the production scenario above aside, and focus on "dev" only, we can do:

let's clone the repo:

git clone
cd node-typescript
npm install
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and install tsconfig-paths

npm install tsconfig-paths
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inside our tsconfig.json we can define baseUrl and paths:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "#domains/*": ["src/domains/*"]
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now we can use the alias #domains in any file, let's update server.ts:

import bookRoutes from '#domains/book/routes';
import reviewRoutes from '#domains/review/routes';

const server = express();
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now, let's register the module alias in our nodemon.json:

  "execMap": {
    "ts": "node --require ts-node/register --require tsconfig-paths/register"
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now we can start the server with aliases:

npm run dev
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and it should work as before, but with aliases!

now, for the Jest mappings, you need to keep the same mappings from tsconfig.json but in the Jest syntax/config, we need to use moduleNameMapper. I'll add the Jest config in package.json for this example:

    "moduleNameMapper": {
      "^#domains/(.*)": "<rootDir>/src/domains/$1"
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and now you can run your tests as before:

npm run test
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so far, so good.

now, for the production scenario, I do not have a good straight answer, because it requires a considerable amount of work to adapt it per project.

but thinking about the process to make it work, we could use something like module-alias

and we would need:

  • build the project with npm run build (e.g. typescript => node.js in dist/)
  • have a script to generate a package.json with module-alias inside dist/
  • add the same mappings from tsconfig.json inside dist/package.json but using module-alias syntax
  • run cd dist/ && npm install to install module-alias for production
  • and start your production server with node --require module-alias/register entry.js

phew, what a setup! ahahah

i hope it helped! 👋