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Implementing Domain Driven Design - Day 3

1️⃣ Making sense of bounded contexts

It is often the case that in two explicitly different models, objects with the same or similar names have different meanings. When an explicit boundary is placed around each of the two models individually, the meaning of each concept in each Context is certain. Thus, a Bounded Context is principally a linguistic boundary. You should use these points of reasoning as a touchstone to determine if you are correctly using Bounded Contexts.

  • ✅ The good Way

It is often the subtly different meanings that are most commonly faced in your enterprise. Here’s why. The name chosen by each team in each Context is always made with the Ubiquitous Language in mind. You never name a concept arbitrarily, such as to purposely distinguish it from a term in a different Context. Consider two banking Contexts, one for checking accounts and one for savings accounts. We don’t need to give the name Checking Account to the object in the Checking Context or the name Savings Account to the object in the Savings Context. Both concepts may safely be named Account because each Bounded Context distinguishes subtle meanings. Of course, there is no rule that says that more meaning cannot be added to these names. That’s the
decision of your team.

2️⃣ Size of bounded contexts

A Bounded Context should be as big as it needs to be in order to fully express its complete Ubiquitous Language. Extraneous concepts that are not truly part of the Core Domain should be factored out. If a concept is not in your Ubiquitous Language, it should not be introduced in your model in the first place. Still, if one or more extraneous concepts creep in, get rid of them. They probably belong in a separate Supporting or Generic Subdomain, or in no model at all. Be careful not to mistakenly factor out concepts that do truly belong in the Core Domain. Your model must completely exhibit the richness of the Ubiquitous Language in context, leaving out nothing essential. Clearly, good judgment is needed.

  • ❌ The bad way

What could lead us into creating a wrong-sized Bounded Context? We might mistakenly allow architectural influences, rather than the Ubiquitous Language, to guide us. Perhaps the way a platform, framework, or some infrastructure is typically used to package and deploy components could unduly influence the way we think about Bounded Contexts, treating them as technical rather than linguistic boundaries.Another trap would be to divide Bounded Contexts in order to distribute tasks to available developer resources. Technical leads and project managers might think it is easier for developers to manage smaller tasks. While that might be the case, enforcing boundaries for the sake of task distribution plays false to the linguistic motivations of contextual modeling. In fact, there is no need to impose fake boundaries in order to manage technical resources.

Clear bounded contexts is the best investment for the tactical design part !

That's all for today 😉

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