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Emil Ossola
Emil Ossola

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How to Solve Java Memory Error: GC Overhead Limit Exceeded

The "java.lang.outofmemoryerror: gc overhead limit exceeded" error occurs in Java when the garbage collector (GC) spends an excessive amount of time collecting garbage but recovers only a small amount of memory. This error is usually triggered when the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) detects that the GC is consuming an unreasonably high proportion of CPU resources, leaving very little time for actual application execution.

The error is designed to prevent applications from getting stuck in an infinite loop of garbage collection, where the GC is unable to make progress in freeing up memory due to constant garbage generation. When this limit is reached, the JVM throws the "gc overhead limit exceeded" error to avoid excessive consumption of system resources without achieving significant memory reclamation.

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How to identify the causes "GC Overhead Limit Exceeded" error?

When dealing with a GC Overhead Limit Exceeded error, it's crucial to analyze logs and heap dump files to identify the root cause of the issue. Logs can help determine when the error occurred, which thread triggered it, and the state of the application at the time of the error. Heap dump files provide insight into the memory usage of the application, allowing you to identify memory leaks and inefficient memory usage.

Tools like jmap and jstack can be used to generate heap dumps and thread dumps respectively. Analyzing these files can help to optimize memory usage and prevent the GC Overhead Limit Exceeded error from occurring in the future.

Common Causes of the Error

The Java "GC Overhead Limit Exceeded" error occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) spends too much time running garbage collection (GC) with little memory to free up. This error is usually caused by one of the following reasons:

  • The application trying to process too much data with limited memory resources
  • A memory leak in the application
  • The garbage collector being unable to clean up enough objects due to the allocation rate of the application being too high
  • An excessively large heap size being specified for the JVM.

How to determine if the error is caused by insufficient heap size or lengthy garbage collection

When encountering the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded error, it is important to first determine whether the error is caused by insufficient heap size or lengthy garbage collection. Here are some tips to help you diagnose the issue:

  1. Check the error message: If the error message mentions GC overhead limit exceeded, then it is likely that the error is caused by lengthy garbage collection. Otherwise, it may be due to insufficient heap size.
  2. Enable garbage collection logging: You can enable garbage collection logging using the -XX:+PrintGCDetails flag when running your Java application. This will provide detailed information about garbage collection activity, which can help you identify any potential issues.
  3. Monitor heap usage: You can use tools like JConsole or VisualVM to monitor the heap usage of your Java application. If the heap usage is consistently high and close to the maximum heap size, then it is likely that the error is caused by insufficient heap size.

By understanding the root cause of the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded error, you can take the necessary steps to resolve the issue and optimize the performance of your Java application.

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Solution 1: Increase Heap Memory

The heap size is the amount of memory allocated to an application for storing objects during the execution of the program. The recommended heap size varies for different types of applications.

For desktop applications, the recommended heap size is around 128 MB to 512 MB, depending on the complexity of the application. For web applications, the heap size should be around 512 MB to 2 GB, depending on the size and complexity of the application.

For enterprise applications, the recommended heap size is usually larger, around 2 GB to 4 GB or more, depending on the amount of data being processed. It is important to properly configure the heap size to avoid running out of memory and encountering the GC overhead limit exceeded error.

Here are the steps to increase heap memory:

  1. Identify the root cause of the memory error: Before increasing the heap memory, it is important to understand what caused the memory error. Reviewing logs and profiling the application can help identify the bottleneck in the application.
  2. Increase heap size: The default heap size in Java is often not sufficient for large applications. The heap size can be increased using the -Xmx flag followed by the desired size in MB or GB. For example, -Xmx4g will set the maximum heap size to 4GB.
  3. Tune garbage collection: Tuning the garbage collection can help reduce the frequency of the memory error. The -XX:+UseG1GC flag can be used to enable the Garbage-First collector, which is designed for large heap sizes.
  4. Reduce memory usage: Review the application code and identify areas where memory usage can be reduced. Using data structures that take up less memory or optimizing the code can help reduce memory usage.
  5. Upgrade to a larger instance type: If running the application on a cloud provider, upgrading to a larger instance type with more memory can help solve the memory error.

However, do remember that increasing heap memory is not always a straightforward solution to resolving GC Overhead Limit Exceeded errors. It is important to consider the following issues:

  • System Resources: Increasing heap memory requires additional resources from the system. If there are not enough resources available, increasing heap memory may cause other issues.
  • Application Design: The application design may be the root cause of the memory issues. Increasing heap memory may only mask the issue temporarily.
  • Garbage Collection: Increasing heap memory may not necessarily improve garbage collection performance. Tuning garbage collection settings may also be necessary.
  • Memory Leaks: Memory leaks can cause memory usage to grow over time, regardless of the heap size. It is important to identify and address any memory leaks before increasing heap memory.

Solution 2: Optimize Garbage Collection

Java applications generate a lot of objects that need to be managed by the Garbage Collector (GC), and Garbage collection is the process of automatically freeing up memory space that is no longer in use by a program. Java comes with different garbage collection algorithms that work differently and have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The default GC used by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is the Parallel GC, which is suitable for most applications. However, for some applications that require low latency or handle large amounts of data, choosing the right GC can be crucial.

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There are several GCs available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) GC is a good choice for applications that require low latency, while the Garbage First (G1) GC is designed for applications that handle large amounts of data. It is important to understand the requirements of your application and choose the appropriate GC to ensure optimal performance and avoid memory errors such as GC Overhead Limit Exceeded.

  1. Serial GC: This is the simplest algorithm and is single-threaded. It works by pausing all application threads while performing a garbage collection. It is suitable for small applications and low-powered devices.
  2. Parallel GC: This algorithm is similar to the Serial GC, but it uses multiple threads to perform garbage collection. It is faster than the Serial GC and is suitable for medium-sized applications.
  3. CMS GC: The CMS (Concurrent Mark Sweep) algorithm works concurrently with the application threads, which means that it does not pause the application threads during garbage collection. It is suitable for large applications that require low-latency garbage collection.
  4. G1 GC: The G1 (Garbage First) algorithm is a generational garbage collector that divides the heap into regions. It works concurrently and in parallel and is suitable for large applications that require fast and predictable garbage collection.

Understanding the differences between these algorithms can help in selecting the appropriate one for your application.

To avoid the GC Overhead Limit Exceeded error in Java, it is necessary to configure the garbage collection parameters. The Xmx and Xms parameters can be used to set the maximum and initial heap sizes respectively. It is recommended to set these values according to the available memory on the system.

Another important parameter is the XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio, which specifies the maximum percentage of free space in the heap. By default, this value is set to 70%, but it can be increased to give the garbage collector more room to work. Additionally, the XX:GCTimeRatio parameter can be used to adjust the ratio of time spent on garbage collection compared to time spent on executing application code.

Setting this value too high can cause the GC Overhead Limit Exceeded error, but setting it too low can lead to memory leaks. It is important to find a balance that works for the specific application.

Solution 3: Reduce Memory Usage

Solving a Java memory error may include identifying the code that is consuming too much memory. This can be done using profiling tools like Java VisualVM or JProfiler. These tools help you analyze the memory usage of your application and identify memory leaks or inefficient memory usage.

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Once you have identified the memory-hungry sections of your code, you can optimize them to reduce memory usage. This might involve rewriting certain portions of your code or using more efficient data structures.

When it comes to Java programming, it's important to keep an eye on memory usage. Here are some best coding practices to minimize memory usage:

  1. Avoid using static variables unnecessarily as they remain in memory throughout the life of the application.
  2. Close resources (such as file streams, database connections) when they are no longer needed.
  3. Use StringBuilder instead of String for concatenation operations as it reduces the creation of unnecessary objects.
  4. Use efficient data structures, like HashSet instead of ArrayList where appropriate.
  5. Use the latest version of Java as it often includes performance optimizations and bug fixes that can improve memory usage.

By following these best coding practices, you can efficiently manage memory usage and avoid running into "GC Overhead Limit Exceeded" errors.

Preventing the Issue

Java applications rely on Garbage Collection (GC) to automatically free up memory from objects that are no longer in use. However, sometimes the GC process can consume too much CPU time and memory, leading to the infamous "GC Overhead Limit Exceeded" error. To prevent this error from happening, here are some best practices:

  1. Increase JVM Heap Size: The JVM heap size is the maximum amount of memory allocated to the Java application. If the heap size is too small, the GC process will have to run more frequently and may eventually fail. Increasing the heap size can improve the performance of the GC process.
  2. Reduce Object Creation: Creating too many objects in the application can cause the GC process to run frequently. Try to reuse objects whenever possible and avoid creating unnecessary objects.
  3. Use Efficient Data Structures: The choice of data structures can have a significant impact on the performance of the GC process. Use data structures that are optimized for memory usage and avoid using data structures that require frequent resizing.
  4. Avoid Memory Leaks: Memory leaks occur when objects are not released by the application, causing the GC process to consume more memory. Make sure to release all objects that are no longer in use.

When running a Java application, it is also important to keep tabs on the memory usage, which can be done using various tools such as Java VisualVM and JConsole. These tools provide a graphical representation of the memory usage, making it easier to identify any memory leaks or areas where the application is consuming excessive memory.

To manage memory usage, it is important to ensure that the application is disposing of objects that are no longer required and that the application is not holding onto resources for longer than necessary. Proper memory management can help avoid issues such as the "GC Overhead Limit Exceeded" error, which is caused by the Garbage Collector spending too much time cleaning up memory.


Java is a popular programming language that is used to build a wide range of applications. However, one common issue that Java developers encounter is memory errors, which can cause their applications to crash or behave unexpectedly.

To avoid such errors, proactive memory management is crucial. It involves monitoring and optimizing the memory usage of the application throughout its lifecycle to ensure that it runs efficiently. By proactively managing memory, developers can prevent issues such as memory leaks and GC overhead limit exceeded errors. This helps to improve the overall performance and reliability of the application, resulting in a better user experience.

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Solving Java Memory Error: GC Overhead Limit Exceeded

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