A virtual machine, commonly shortened to just VM, is no different than any other physical computer like a laptop, smart phone, or server. It has a CPU, memory, disks to store your files, and can connect to the internet if needed. While the parts that make up your computer (called hardware) are physical and tangible, VMs are often thought of as virtual computers or software-defined computers within physical servers, existing only as code.
how to create a VM
open the Azure portal and sign in, click the search bar to search for Virtual Machine
and type the VIRTUAL MACHINE in the search bar and click on the plus sign to create
Select a subscription and create a resource group and give your VM a unique name
select a region and the image you want the Virtual machine to have
Next create a username and a password and select HTTPS in the inbound port
click on create review and create it will validate in a few seconds then click on create
Next go to resource group
click on connect with RDP and download the RDP file
open the downloaded file and log in with the information yoiu created
your new VM should display
click the search bar at the bottom left and type in powershell
When the powershell on the search displays right click and run as administrator
then type Insall-WindowsFeature Web-Server
Go back to the overview of the virtual machine and copy the public IP address and paste it on a web page the virtual machine should display
Go back to the overview page of the virtual machine and click on disk and add a data disk give it a name and increase the size to 10gb and click on save/apply
go to the virtual machine search bar and type in disk management and click on it
Click ok to initialize it
scroll down to locate disk 2, which is the new disk you created and right click on it
Click on new simple volume
click on start
Keep the default setting but you can change the same from new volume to a name of your choice and click on finish
Your disk is ready to be use
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