Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of devices that are connected to each other via the internet, and the technology that allows these devices to communicate with each other. These devices automate our lives, and reduce the need for human intervention in certain tasks. These devices contain technology that can collect, send, and receive data. IoT networks provide a number of benefits to our everyday lives, but they also introduce challenges due to the amount of interconnected devices and data points within a network.
IoT Devices
An IoT device a device that is connected to the internet, and has the ability to exchange 'data with other devices or systems.'(What is an IoT Device) These devices use sensors to collect information, which can then be sent to an IoT platform. Once the data is analyzed by the platform, the necessary actions can be triggered to indicate that a task needs to be done, or something was detected within a device.
IoT Platform
IoT devices use sensors to collect data about the device itself, or the environment of a device. These sensors are continuously transmitting data to applications known as IoT platforms. An IoT platform is the core of a network. A platform allows the devices of a network to communicate, send data, and receive commands. The type of platform a network wants to use depends on the the purpose, or functionality, of the devices of a network. You can read more about IoT platforms and the different types here.
IoT Steps
- Data is collected by the sensors within a device
- Information is sent to the IoT platform
- Platform transforms the data so that it can be analyzed
- Data is analyzed using algorithms
- Actions can be triggered if necessary based on the analysis of the data received.
## IoT Benefits IoT networks have the ability to make our lives simpler. These networks offer a number of benefits to us everyday, such as:
- Easy Accessibility: Because IoT networks store all the data in a central location, any device connected to the network is able to access any data that was produced by another device on the network.
- Improved Communication: Data is stored in a structured way within a network, which allows information to be received more quickly.
- Saving Time and Money: By providing real-time analysis, networks are able to catch problems as they occur. This eliminates the need for human-intervention when detecting issues, and can ultimately save money by catching issues early on.
- Process Automation: IoT networks reduce the need for human-intervention in certain tasks.
Some other benefits of IoT networks are:
- Better Business Decisions
- Productive Analysis
- Labor Reduction
- Performance Monitoring
The use of IoT networks has a number of upsides in many aspects of our lives, however, the existence of these large networks do not come without a few challenges.
As a the number of devices within a network grows, so does the risk of a cyber attack. Because of the number of devices and amount of data within a network, the attack surface of a network can become extremely large. An attacker can access information through a handful of different entry points.
It is important for these networks to remain secure because of the amount of information they hold.
Data Management
The shear volume of data within a network can be complex to manage. An IoT network deals with a large amount of data, coming from a number of different devices. A single network can be dealing with any number of different data types. This is a big reason why data needs to be efficiently stored.
Mass Corruption
While it is beneficial for data to be stored in a central location for all devices to access, it also introduces the risk of mass corruption on a network. If a bug is introduced to a network device, it could wind up affecting every device within the network.
Devices from different manufacturers can exist on the same network. Because there is not a standard for IoT compatibility, there is a possibility some devices are not compatible with each other.
Job Displacement
Because IoT networks remove the need for human-intervention by automating tasks, some jobs can be replaced by devices. This is especially true for lower-skilled jobs.
IoT Examples In Different Fields
IoT devices are used across every type of field throughout the world. Networks are able to offer different kinds of benefits depending on the purpose of the devices.
A heart monitor that is able to relay information about a patient's heart. The data received from this device could be used to detect a heart attack or other heart diseases.
A machine with a sensor that collects data about the environment within the machine. The data collected by the sensor could determine if a machine is working properly, or if it is due for maintenance. This could be a huge factor in saving a company time and money.
An irrigation system that can be automated to water plants under certain conditions. A device could detect the moisture of the soil and trigger the water to be sent at a certain level. Also, a user could tell water to be sent at different intervals with minimal intervention.
IoT is a network of devices connected by the internet which have the ability to collect, send, and receive data. These interconnected devices automate our lives, offering many benefits, as well as introducing challenges in order to protect information, and efficiently manage data. IoT will continue to become more advanced in the coming years with the advancements in machine learning.
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