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Falence Lemungoh
Falence Lemungoh

Posted on

Why HTML is a must for every website.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is the standard markup language for creating Web pages. It describes the structure of a Web page, telling the browser how to display the content.
Examples of website built only with HTML include: The WWW project, The mother fucking website, Toad Hall e.t.c.

Semantic HTML

HTML semantic elements clearly give the content it wraps meaning to both the browser and the developer. For example and H1 indicates a top level heading on our page. A few semantic elements include nav, header, p, footer etc.

40 HTML tags

Container tags:

  1. html: Opens and closes an HTML document
  2. head: contains information about document
  3. title: document title
  4. body: contains all visible content of the web page
  5. p: defines a paragraph
  6. div: container for a block of content
  7. span: container for in-line content
  8. nav: contains navigation content
  9. main: contains the main content of the web page
  10. header: contains introductory content for a page
  11. footer: contains information about the content on page. e.g the author and a copyright statement.
  12. td: defines a cell in a table
  13. ol: defines an ordered list
  14. em: italicize text
  15. strong: bold text
  16. ul: defines an unordered list
  17. li: defines a list item
  18. th: defines table headings
  19. tr: defines a table row
  20. table: adds a table
  21. form: defines a form
  22. label: Defines a label for an input element
  23. textarea: Defines a multiline input control

Empty tags

  1. hr: defines a horizontal line
  2. br: defines a line break
  3. img: inserts an image
  4. input: used to collect user input (text, email e.t.c)
  5. link: link external files e.g css styles
  6. meta: contains metadata for web pages
  7. source: includes external media to page
  8. area: defines area inside an image man
  9. base: defines abase URL for all URLs in document
  10. col: defines column properties for each column within a colgroup element
  11. embed: used for interactive content for external application integration
  12. wbr: word break opportunity
  13. param: defines parameters for plugins
  14. track: defines track to be used with a media file
  15. command: define command a visitor can invoke
  16. keygen: defines a key-pair generator field that used by forms
  17. menuitem: defines a command that a user is able to invoke through a popup menu

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