Salesforce scratch orgs are a great developer tool for us Salesforce Developers but they are slow.
In fact, with multiple Managed Packages the scratch org creation and setup is so slow that I often see scratch orgs not being used at all or not as an org that can be scratched.
Many projects are relying on Managed Packages from the Salesforce AppExchange. To be able to develop inside a scratch org means that the development team needs to install these managed packages every time a scratch org is created.
This takes a lot of time.
It takes so long (for big packages like Salesforce's HealthCloud ~30min) that it often means it is unusable for Continuous Integration and as a throwaway org.
To be able to get an org that is ready to go with all underlying needs addressed (like installing Managed Packages, unlocked packages, and so on..) would save 1h every time.
And this is where QuickOrgs promises to come in.
QuickOrgs provides a simple way to create orgs with packages installed, ready to go to develop in, or run your Continuous Integration on.
If you would like to know more, sign up to the beta here or comment below.
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