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Syed Mohsin Raza
Syed Mohsin Raza

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JavaScript Default Function Parameters.

In JavaScript when we call a function which expects some data to be passed in if you call that without passing in that data JavaScript will use undefined.

Let's understand this practically ⚙️

What the following function does is that it takes a name as an input and console logs it.

function printName(name) {
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Now if we call the printName function by passing in a name as shown below:

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We'll get the following output.

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Now lets call the same function without passing anything in

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We will get undefined as the output in the console.

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undefined isn't that useful in most situations what if we can use a fallback if no name is passed into the function. Well for that we can use the || operator in JavaScript as shown below:

function printName(name) {
  name = name || `Anonymous`;
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The Logical OR (||) operator returns the very first truthy value and undefined is a falsy value so in the printName function it will return Anonymous which is a truthy value.

Now with the above addition of || operator if we call the function by passing in no value as shown:


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We will get Anonymous as the output.


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In ES6 we have a more compact way of doing the above which is to set up default parameters directly using the assignment operator = as shown:

function printName(name = `Anonymous`) {
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this returns default value we set using = operator in case no value was passed in.

function printName(name = `frontendenthusiast`) {

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The output of the above function will be frontendenthusiast

Happy coding! 🥰

Top comments (1)

emptyother profile image

Note that when passing the value null, it is not replaced with a default value. I've stopped using null entirely but some libraries return it instead of undefined.