DEV Community

What did you do before programming?

Fulton Browne on September 17, 2019

s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

I was an International Services Manager for a college - helping international students navigate the UK visa and academic system 😊

Made the career change a few years back via this great place called CodeClan here - so glad I did!♥️

couch3ater profile image
Connor Tangney

As recently as the beginning of this year, I was a gainfully employed ski-bum!...

At least, that's what I tell people


boobo94 profile image
Bogdan Alexandru Militaru • Edited

Highschool :D

mdxprograms profile image
Josh Waller

carpenter and tree trimmer
Realized it would send me to an early grave so I decided to be a developer and sit all day...

skryking profile image
Jason Ormes

Sitting all day will send you to an early grave as well. After 30+ years my health is shot and it's a struggle to recover.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

Professional event catering, barista/coffee shop manager, organic farmer, food truck driver, now I've been accountant for two years...

Maybe next up programming??

nomangul profile image
Noman Gul

Local cricket player 🏏 and something called "Just Theory" Student :|