DEV Community

What is your favorite code Editor

Ahmed Bankole on May 20, 2020

As a Developer, what code editor do you use and why do you think it works for you.
Mine is visual studio code

bitdweller profile image
Pedro Pimenta

I love trying and testing editor, my journey has been Notepad > Dreamweaver > Coda > Sublime Text > vim > VSCode.

I've been using VSCode for the last 3 weeks and it has become my favourite thing. You can do "everything" from your editor, which I thought would be bad but it's great to learn how to do many things from inside the editor. For example, I just searched for how to creat Pull Requests from the editor itself and it's brilliant to not even have to go to Github for that. Especially if you're on bug-fixing streak, you don't even leave the editor :)

And it's fast! I thought being Electron it wouldn't be very fast (Atom is/wasn't when I tested it for a while) and it is very important to me. Of course it's not as fast as Vim but it does so much more. The load time is OK as that isn't something you do a lot, I usually always have it on.

The defaults are also very very good, I think, especially for beginners to start with and learn from that.

geekyahmed profile image
Ahmed Bankole

Though I use VSCode.I prefer using Atom when I will be committing a lot of codes without stress

momandalex022 profile image
Christine Marshall

i love code Pen, as a newbie, because it is few of the many that lets me see exactly what my code is doing while i am doing it... it makes me wonder why all the others do not do that. Am i missing something? Or is CodePen not a real code editor?

geekyahmed profile image
Ahmed Bankole

well CodePen is actually an online code editor.

olawanle_joel profile image
Joel Olawanle

Vs code

geekyahmed profile image
Ahmed Bankole

Why VsCode??

olawanle_joel profile image
Joel Olawanle • Edited

It has lots of cool extensions that could make coding lot more easier and fun😉

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geekyahmed profile image
Ahmed Bankole


miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

Webstorm - better refactoring and intellisense discovery than VS Code. VS Code is a much smoother experience and looks a bit better to me. I use it when I can, but try as I might, when I watch my VSCode using colleagues struggling with a JS refactoring, or hunting for an import VSC didn't detect, I know I'm on the JetBrains train for now.

I think if you are writing TypeScript VSC might be just fine.

geekyahmed profile image
Ahmed Bankole

Wow.that's a lot to take in

developerbishwas profile image
Bishwas Bhandari

When it comes to code editing, I am a big fan of Jetbrains IDEs, specifically PyCharm and WebStorm. These editors offer a range of features such as intelligent coding assistance, debugging, and refactoring capabilities that truly enhance my development workflow. Additionally, I find the user interface to be intuitive and easy to navigate.

While I understand the appeal of Visual Studio Code as a free and multi-purpose option, I have found that the intellisense feature is not as robust and accurate as that of Jetbrains IDEs. Also, I find the number of extensions and plugins can make the editor feel bloated, and it can slow down my system. But it's worth mentioning that this is my personal preference, and other developers may have different opinions.

alcb1310 profile image
Andres Court

I like VS Code mainly because the extensions, I can easily work in any of my projects which are in different languages (Python, TypeScript) and stay in the same developer environment.

It is also great when working with GitHub, specially if you've got the extension for

GitHub Pull Requests and Issues

You really don't need to go outside of VS Code to make a PR or to test your API

devanghingu profile image
Devang Hingu

vs code 😍 🥰

geekyahmed profile image
Ahmed Bankole

What made you like Vs code

develobert profile image
Robert Medina

VS Code and Ruby Mine

nvjsingh profile image
Navjot Singh Cheema

VS code and vim

tumee profile image
Tuomo Kankaanpää

I like vs code. It has everything I need and it works fast :)

geekyahmed profile image
Ahmed Bankole

But it is not recommended for lagging PCs