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Giovanni Klein Campigoto
Giovanni Klein Campigoto

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What are the most common design patterns that you use in a React.js app?


Top comments (2)

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

"Pattern" is an overloaded term and SOLID might work in general.

I see "patterns" such as render props, HoC (higher order component) thrown around more than software patterns such as SOLID.

Not sure what the common pattern is but render props & HoC are being phased away due to hooks.

giovannikleincampigoto profile image
Giovanni Klein Campigoto

Yeah, I guess I meant more like software development patterns, than React patterns (HoCs and render props), because those patterns most of us already used or studied. Companies tend to value more these software patterns because they are not used to see a lot of React code, and React patterns became something more implicit.