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Create a sphere with evenly distributed points with three.js

In fact, I have yet to find a way that all points are distributed uniformly. All the methods I have found can only approach a uniform distribution, so I recommend a simpler method in my opinion:

const spherical = new THREE.Spherical();
spherical.radius = 5;
for (let i = 0; i < points; i++) {

  let phi = Math.acos(1.0 - (2.0 * i + 0.5) / points);
  let theta = Math.PI * (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) * i;

  spherical.phi = phi; 
  spherical.theta = theta; 
  const x = spherical.radius * Math.sin(spherical.phi) * 
  const y = spherical.radius * Math.sin(spherical.phi) * 
  const z = spherical.radius * Math.cos(spherical.phi);
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I also don't understand this theoretical principle, because my math is bad, if you are intersting in this principle you can search for relevant information on Stack Overflow.

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