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Hiren Dhaduk
Hiren Dhaduk

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Why React is a Sublime for Front end Development

After 2010, you must have experienced a dramatic change in terms of massive growth in modern web and mobile apps. This is due to lightweight and sophisticated JavaScript libraries. React is recognized as such a JavaScript library that has achieved massive popularity among web-based businesses. The reason for choosing React is to carve out great looking user interfaces (UIs).

A brief introduction to React

React was developed by Facebook in 2011. Since its first launch, React’s Github repository has generated 96,000 stars from developers. It is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

Talking about the business standpoint of view, the list of companies utilizing React in their production are Facebook, Netflix, UberEats, Salesforce, PayPal, Asana, Khan Academy, Instacart, OkCupid, and Reddit.

To explore on why these tech giants are using React, it is pivotal to know some of its powerful features that ease the building of high performing and agile apps.

Some Powerful Features of React

Easy to Learn: Unlike Angular or Vue, React is not a framework. React is a library, which is consistently used in alliance with other JavaScript libraries. Thus, it embraces a shorter learning curve as compared to other comprehensive libraries. With React, businesses can streamline development without spending a fortune on the existing system.

The Virtual DOM: Its name ‘virtual DOM implies a virtual representation of the DOM. This is one of the cool parts of React. If you want to create an app that has a lot of user interactions and data updates, then it is pivotal to consider how the app structure is going to impact performance. Even if there are fast client platforms and JavaScript engines, the extensive DOM manipulation can be a performance bottleneck. React solves such issues by using a virtual DOM. It also ensures a minimum update time to the real DOM, providing higher performance and clean & interactive user experience all around.

Component Creation: React is based on components. It enables the creation of module-like pieces of code called “components.” Such code snippets reflect a specific part of the user interface that can be repeated across several web pages. It’s safe to say that React is meant by reusability. It is a great way to save valuable time on development. The declarative nature of React makes designing UI seamless. It also enables developers to focus on more important functions and business logic.

Some advantages & disadvantages of React from Business Point of View

Every library has its own pros and cons, depending on what your business is trying to achieve. React is a library that provides multiple possible advantages to boost traction of apps and online services. Here we’ll give a glimpse of what React does well and where it fails to meet. We’re going to elaborate further on each particular element from a business standpoint.

Advantages of React

Boost in Performance: As we’ve already mentioned virtual DOM, which is responsible for speed. It empathetically increases the speed of modern web apps because it eliminates the usage of heavy frameworks like Jquery and other bootstrapping libraries. React is already sufficient in creating beautiful front-end designs. The super fast rendering capabilities are a natural fit for the websites that use React to utilize it in their production.

Ease of Migration: React enables developers and managers to fall in love with libraries because its code can be added anywhere onto existing infrastructure without worrying of shutting down the system for maintenance.

Seamless SEO Integration: For online businesses, SEO is the gateway to boost traffic. React notably reduces the page load time through faster rendering speed. This particular aspect is essential for companies because faster speed is directly proportional to more users. It means that more users, better customer experience means more revenue. Also, effective use of SEO will improve the app’s ranking on Google search.

Disadvantages of using React

UI-centric: React is highly UI-centric. Through its core functionalities, it enhances performance and robustness of a web app. However, its superfluousness of depending on multiple libraries complicates matters for businesses.

Counter-productive Documentation: The roadblock that developers face while using React is - the limitations of documentation. Most of the developers dislike JSX React’s documentation. This is due to the fact that manuals are inadequate and difficult to understand for newcomers.


After reading this blog, you might be realizing that React’s advantages far exceed its disadvantages. It is safe to say that it is a robust, adaptable programming library and useful for creating modern and scalable apps. For businesses, React is the right framework for creating the best looking and performing app to drive user leads and monetary sales. It assists companies in achieving their objectives and fortifies its relevance in the market for a longer time to come.

Top comments (1)

jannikwempe profile image
Jannik Wempe

Hey, thanks for that article. I am also doing almost every project with react at the moment. I love it :)

Btw: I am always bookmarking beautifully designed websites and just added simform. Looks awesome! :)