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18 Best UI Component Libraries for React

Hossein Yazdi on January 31, 2025

When it comes to web development, picking the right UI component library for React can make a world of difference in boosting your productivity and...
joodi profile image
Joodi β€’

Is there anything left to explain?
You’ve covered so much, even React might be confused! πŸ˜‚

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

Haha, thanks a lot buddy!! πŸ˜„ πŸ™Œ

brandong profile image
Brandon β€’

Haha, exactly! He missed the spot where devs ask, Why was React created in the first place?

nandini_singh_aa047f6c3ce profile image
Nandini Singh β€’

Great list! πŸš€ I really appreciate the effort in curating these amazing UI component libraries for React. Each option brings something unique to the table!

I’d love to suggest FlyonUI as an addition to this list. It’s an open-source Tailwind CSS component library that provides sleek, ready-to-use UI components, making development faster and more efficient. Would be great to see it included in future updates!

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

You're welcome mate, that looks great, thanks for the suggestion!

I will make sure to add it in future posts when I want to write about a similar topic!

dev_kiran profile image
Kiran Naragund β€’

Thanks for sharing Hussein

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

You're welcome Kiran, happy you've found it useful! 😊

rcls profile image
OssiDev β€’

I would be careful with ChakraUI. They made massive changes with their v3 release that's not backwards compatible and closed all issues from Github, moving them to "Discord discussions", while creating a really complex setup that's dependent on so many other packages.

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

I didn't notice those changes, thanks for pointing out! Anyway, I think they're still worth mentioning :)

dorianb profile image
Dorian β€’

Kokonut UI πŸ‘€

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

Looks great, thanks for the suggestion!

andrewwebcoder profile image
Andrew-web-coder β€’

Thanks, some look useful that I hadn't heard of. Another on my go-to list is Fancy UI from Fancyapps (Fancybox, etc).

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

You're welcome! Glad you've found them useful and thanks for your suggestion :)

anydev1103 profile image
Ron Bo β€’

Amazing websites. Thanks for sharing!

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

You're welcome mate, glad to share them with the community! πŸ˜‰

vengeance profile image
Venkatesh Kasani β€’


hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

Thanks bro!

ezechiel_kiregha_7e7dbc11 profile image
Ezechiel Kiregha β€’

I only knew ShadCN and MUI
now I got more than 10

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

You're welcome, Ezechiel! Glad you found it useful! πŸ˜‰

mileswk profile image
MilesWK β€’

Wow! This is amazzzzing! I hope to right articles like this!

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

Thanks for your kind words! It's my pleasure! πŸ˜ƒ

shishantbiswas profile image
Shishant Biswas β€’

That's a great list you made with some excellent picks

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’ β€’ Edited

Thanks a lot, Shishant! πŸ™Œ

royson_menezes_479ed50941 profile image
royson menezes β€’

really cool stuff!

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

Thank you for your feedback Royson. Happy to share them! πŸ˜‰

prafullkotecha profile image
prafullkotecha β€’

Add two more to the list, making it a round 20.

Aceternity UI
Magic UI

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

Epic ones! πŸ”₯

Thanks for the share! πŸ’―

brense profile image
Rense Bakker β€’

Tbh a lot of these are just collections of different flavors of components that are pre styled with tailwind css, not a true component libraries that offer a full-fledged ui solution like mui, ant or chakra UI.

keyru_nasirusman profile image
keyru Nasir Usman β€’

shadcn is not a component library as the creator of Shadcn has clearly stated on the Official Docs. But it is the best from all component libraries.

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

I agree, but it's still very much worth including :)

wannabe_a68a31ba67e23aa4e profile image
Wannabe β€’

Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a great addition to Faelib collection. Half of them are already there.

hosseinyazdi profile image
Hossein Yazdi β€’

You're welcome! Yes, feel free to add them :)