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Cover image for Creating vite vue ts template: Installation instructions, dependabot notifications and license
Sardorbek Imomaliev
Sardorbek Imomaliev

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Creating vite vue ts template: Installation instructions, dependabot notifications and license

Add project setup instructions

  1. Add Project Setup section to our

    -# Vue 3 + Typescript + Vite
    +# Vue 3 + Typescript + Vite + Jest
     This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 and Typescript in Vite.
    +## Project setup
    +Clone project with [`degit`](
    +degit user/repo
    +### Install dependencies
    +npm install
    +### Compiles and hot-reloads for development
    +npm run dev
    +### Compiles and minifies for production
    +npm run build
    +### Preview build
    +npm run serve
    +### Run your unit tests
    +npm run test
    +### Lint
    +npm run lint
    +### Fix files
    +npm run format
     ## Recommended IDE Setup
  2. Add pre-commit hooks installation instruction.

    +## Install pre-commit hooks
    +pre-commit install
  3. git add -u

  4. git commit -m 'add install instructions'

Setup Dependabot notifications

  1. Go to Security -> Enable Dependabot alerts Enable Dependabot alerts
  2. Enable Dependabot alerts and Dependabot security updates Configure security and analysis features


  1. In our github repo press Add file -> Create new file Create new file
  2. Type LICENSE into Name your file... input.
  3. Press appeared Choose a license template button. Choose a license template
  4. Select MIT License and press Review and submit.
  5. In appeared commit form, choose Commit directly to the main branch.
  6. Press Commit new file



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Vite + Vue + TypeScript template

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