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Valerio for Inspector

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How to accelerate application performance with smart SQL queries.

Why so many performance issues are caused by the database?

We often forget that each request is not independent of other requests. If one request is slow, it's unlikely to affect the others… right?

Database is a shared resource used by all processes that runs in your application. Even just one poorly designed access can hurt the performance of the whole system.

Hi, I'm Valerio software engineer and CTO at inspector. In this article I’ll talk about some smart approach to SQL queries that has completely changed some parts of our system and improving application performance for a better customer experience.

If you deal with large datasets, import/export processes, data aggregation algorithms, and similar problems these solutions can help you drastically reduce the consumption of resources by your application and achieve significant economic savings.

INSERT on duplicate key UPDATE

insert on duplicate key update is one of the lesser known MySQL clauses, but that guarantees incredible performance improvements in some specific cases, that can literally save your customers experience.

Thanks to this clause you can instruct MySQL to run an UPDATE statement in case the INSERT statement goes wrong due to a possible duplicate key in the table.

Let me show a real world example.

CSV import/export

Let's imagine a process of importing a list of users from a CSV file, where each row need to have a unique email address. Our script should insert new users and update a specific user if the email address already exists.

A first version of this script could be:

// CSV file content
$csv = [...];

foreach($csv as $row)
    $user = User::firstWhere('email', $row['email']);

    if(!$user) {
        $user = new User()

    $user->name = $row['name'];

    // "save" method is smart enough to update a record if it does not exists, otherwise create.
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For each row we verify if the user with the given email already exists in the database. If the user exists the script update its name and than save, if the user does not exists the script creates a new instance of User and than proceeds with the insert.

In this example we are using the Eloquent ORM to interact with the database and the "save()" method is smart enough to update a record if it does not exists, create it otherwise. At the end we run a select to grab the user from the database, and another query to INSERT or UPDATE the record, so two queries for each line in the CSV file.

This means that for a CSV with 500.000 rows we need to run 1 million queries (500K select, 500K insert or update).

Simplify the code

Eloquent, as well as every other decent ORM, provides some shortcut to accomplish this kind of operations, so we can use updateOrCreate method to reduce the number of lines for a better readibility:

// CSV file content
$csv = [...];

foreach($csv as $row)
        // Identify record by this columns
            'email' => $row['email']
        // Other fields to fill
            'name' => $row['email']
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The method has a really clear name and provides a useful functionality, but this is not enough, because it contains the same issue: it runs two queries per CSV rows.

Too many queries means too much time, CPU and memory usage. Instead we aim to reduce the number of database statements to optimize performance and resource consumption by the script.

How to use "on duplicate key"

This clause is like a "try/catch" statement but for SQL. Here is a raw example:

INSERT INTO users (email, name) 
    VALUES ('', 'Valerio')
    UPDATE users SET name = 'Valerio';
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It has a really simple behaviour:

  • Try to insert a record with the given information;
  • If there are no errors, it performs the insert as usual;
  • If the query fires a "duplicate key" error it procedes with the second query provided;

Thanks to this clause we can move the "if" statement form PHP to the database, halving the number of requests against the database itself.

Let's go further

We can use this SQL statement also for bulk operations to obtain an exponential performance improvement. We can add multiple INSERT and use the VALUES function to reference the correct field like a variable inside a cycle.

INSERT INTO users (email, name) 
        ('', 'Valerio'),
        ('', 'Valerio Barbera'),
        ('', 'Frank'),
        ('', 'Sebastian')
    UPDATE users SET name = VALUES(name);
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We could import the entire CSV with one query… in theory.

In a real life scenario, a query has a length limit and it may be more prudent not to do everything in one operation to avoid out of memory errors. We can chunk the CSV in sub arrays of 1.000 items and run queries with 1.000 INSERT inside:

/ CSV file content
$csv = [...];
$chunks = array_chunk($csv, 1000);

foreach($chunks as $chunk) {
    foreach($chunk as $row) {
            // Identify record by this columns
                'email' => $row['email']
            // Other fields to fill
                'name' => $row['email']
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1.000 is just an example, based on your server resources you could increase or decrease this number. The most important thing is that we have reduced the number of queries from 500.000 to 500.

Eloquent UPSERT method

Eloquent ORM provides the upsert method that implements this strategy for you under the hood.

    ['email' => '', 'name' => 'Valerio', 'age' => 25],
    ['email' => '', 'name' => 'Valerio Barbera', 'age' => 35]
], ['email'], ['name', 'age']);
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The method's first argument consists of the values to insert or update, while the second argument lists the column(s) that uniquely identify records within the associated table. The method’s third and final argument is an array of the columns that should be updated if a matching record already exists in the database.

To allow the method to do its job it's require the columns in the second argument of the upsert method to have a "primary" or "unique" index.


I hope that one or more of this tips can help you to create a more solid and scalable software product.

I have used Eloquent ORM to write code exmaples, but you can use this strategies with all major ORMs out there in the same way. As I often say, tools should helps us to implement an efficient strategy. Strategic thinking is the key to give a long term perspective to our products.

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Oldest comments (2)

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

The issue here is with the ORM. Active record pattern is fine when objects exist in isolation but this is rarely the case. Imagine a case where you need to add a passenger to a flight manifest. The passenger:manifest is a many:many relationship. I.e. the manifest has many passengers and a passenger can be on many manifests so you have a bridging table ManifestPassenger with mp_id, manifest_id and passenger_id. You may or may not need to create the passenger record and retrieve the new passenger_id and then create the MP record. As these are separate database activities but are related to the same business event, good practice dictates that either both succeed or both fail so they need to occur within the same database Transaction scope which needs additional code in your middleware to start and either commit or rollback. Alternatively you could call a stored procedure in your database and thus will handle the transaction scoping for you as well as drastically reducing network traffic. ORMs are also notoriously poor at optimising complex queries. If you need to get the contact details for everyone on this flight, plus the contact details of every passenger they have shared a flight with in the last 7 days (Covid track and trace), you can do that in the database as a single query and the internally managed database stats will give you a data access strategy that is pretty close to optimal in most cases. The ORM may need literally 1000s of dB requests to achieve the same data set. Yes, I'm a SQL guy...

ilvalerione profile image
Valerio • Edited

Hi Aaron, thank you for your detailed comment. I believe that massive import of multiple datasets with many to many relation it's not a use case of the "insert on duplicate key" clause.

Of course "transactions" are the way to go to run multiple statements safety, and it's what we use and recommend on our articles just as result of our experience. You can read more about other approaches we use to deal with database here:

I used an ORM to write code examples for two reasons:

  • It's the most common interface to the database for the majority of software developers;
  • Show to interested developers that ORM, Query builder, and any other tools are just tools. The most important thing is the strategy and the goal you want to reach.

We had to spend many hours searching online and asking other developers to find out that MySQL offered this simple feature. I hope other developers can find our experience helpful and share this tips with other colleagues since our customers are typically very sensitive to the problem of performance.

Inspector is an application monitoring tool, we are very focused on application performance, that's why my articles go around this kind of issues.