DEV Community

InterSystems Developer for InterSystems

Posted on • Originally published at

WebSocket Client JS with IRIS Native API as Docker Micro Server


This is a coding example working on IRIS 2020.2 
It will not be kept in synch with new versions 
It is also NOT serviced by InterSystems Support !

My demo video is now also available to watch the demo in operation.


Hi folks,

It's time now for a Micro Service Demo with a total fresh IRIS Image and an image that you both PULL with

docker  and run with only 4 lines of docker commands. 

June 1st, 2020 - rcc

There is now a compact All-in-1 version available that combines all parts in a single container image.

For details see: IRIS-NativeAPI-Nodejs-compact

May 24, 2020 - rcc

I have added a simplified installation using Docker, see context

May 25, 2020 - rcc

There are enhanced scripts suitable & tested for Linux & Windows available here

May 26, 2020 - rcc

This demo is a redesign of the WebSocket Client based on Node.js existing already for Caché. The major changes:

  • use of the new IRIS Native API for Node.js  especially Working with Global Arrays
  • change from a directly triggered client to a server design
  • put the result into a separate docker image as an example for a MicroService / MicroServer
  • add a simple interface in IRIS to control the MicroService execution.

Instead of a utility,  you call directly on you IRIS host you now send a work-packages 

to the MicroService as would typically do with System Interoperability (aka.ENSEMBLE):

Of course, you have the option of more than one WebSocket Server.

Once the WebSocket Client Service has done its job you get back the result from it.

The advantage over the built-in WebSocket Client is, that all Network, Security,

Firewall issues are kept away from the core data server. Not to talk about the

experience and quality Node.js has in this arena.

The demo uses wss:// as default EchoServer

Next, you enter some lines of text.

At any point, you can add "Lorem Ipsum" text for more content between your own text.

Next, you sent it to the service and wait for the echo.

There is also the option to change your text before sending

as Exit the control program or Stop the service.

All this processing runs asynchronously.

Instead of waiting for completion, the Listener displays periodically

what was received from the echo server so far.

To install it you need a

  • docker image for IRIS ( intersystems/iris-community:2020. )
  • docker image for the WebSocket MicroServer (docker pull rcemper/rcc:demoJS)
  • simplified init: just run this docker command for init
    docker run --name ini1 --init -it --rm \
    -privileged -v $(pwd):/external \
    rcemper/rcc:demoJS bash /rcc/ ### The original approach is still valid but not required. ###

  • WSockClientMicroSV.tar.gz from Open Exchange or here to make use of IRIS-Docker-micro-Durability

  • check directory demo:  set  protection to rwx (chmod 777) as Docker Image is a nobody at your level. ###

To run it start IRIS first (either -d or -it to observe the behavior) from directory demo (!)

docker run --name iris1 --init --rm -d \
-p 52773:52773 -p 51773:51773 \
-v $(pwd):/external \
intersystems/iris-community:2020. \
-b /external/pre.copy

Next, the MicroServer

docker run --name rcc1 --init -it --rm \
rcemper/rcc:demoJS /usr/bin/node /rcc/nodejs/WSockIris.js $(hostname -I)

. As you started it with -it you see

platform = linux: ubuntu  

    Connect to IRIS on:  
Successfully connected to InterSystems IRIS.  
    *** wait 3sec for request ***  
    ******* Startup done ********  

    *** wait 3sec for request ***  
    *** wait 3sec for request ***  

then the control application in a new Linux terminal

docker exec -it iris1 iris session iris ZSocket  

and you see

*** Welcome to WebSocket Micoservice demo ***  
Known Hosts (*=Exit) [1]:  
1  wss://  
2  --- server 2 ----  
3  --- server 3 ----  
select (1):  ==> wss://  
Enter text to get echoed from WebSocketClient Service
Terminate with * at first position
or get generated text by %
or append new text with @

1    hello socket microServer
2    now you got 2 lines
3    *

Select action for WebClient Service
New EchoServer (E), Send+Listen(S),New Text(N),Exit(X), Exit+Stop Client(Z) [S]s

******* 0 Replies *******

******* 2 Replies *******
1    hello socket microServer
2    now you got 2 lines

Select action for WebClient Service

and on MicroService

*** wait 3sec for request ***
echoserver:  wss://
** Lines to process: 1 **
********* next turn *********
* WebSocket Client connected *
****** Client is ready ****** 

Line: 1 text> 'hello socket microServer '
Received: 1 > 'hello socket microServer '

Line: 2 text> 'now you got 2 lines '
Received: 2 > 'now you got 2 lines '

******* lines sent: 2 ******
*** replies received: 2 ****

*** wait 3sec for request ***

Late warning. always check the version of your image!
I just fell into  intersystems/iris-community:2020.2.0.


Alt Text

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