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The Future of Machine Learning: Trends to Watch Out For

Machine Learning brings to the table an incredible potential to compute and analyze massive amounts of Big Data using advanced techniques.

Today, Machine Learning is being implemented globally by businesses — large and small. In fact, in recent times, IT giants like Google, IBM, Apple, and Microsoft have leveraged the benefits of ML to drive solutions that significantly improve customer experience and increase ROI.

let's explore what’s in store for the future of Machine Learning and the different courses that may, in all likelihood, reshape our economic, social, and industrial operations.

1. The era of hyper-automation

Hyper-automation is the technology that implements Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to automate processes across a range of applications.

2. Advances in healthcare

Machine learning techniques also allow healthcare professionals to develop new and innovative drugs and treatments, significantly reduce diagnostic errors, identify rare diseases, and predict adverse reactions quicker.

3. Personalised digital media

Machine Learning has incredible potential in the entertainment and digital media space. In fact, the technology has already found a home in the plethora of streaming services available such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney Plus, to name a few.

Click here to know more in detail about Future challenges for machine learning

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