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Jarvis Silva
Jarvis Silva

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Building a zawgyi to unicode converter in next js

Next.js is a popular framework for building React applications, and if you are working with Burmese text, you might come across Zawgyi encoding. Zawgyi is a legacy font encoding widely used in Myanmar, but it has limitations and compatibility issues with Unicode. To convert Zawgyi-encoded text to Unicode in a Next.js application, we can utilize the Rabbit-Node library. This tutorial will guide you through the process.

Before creating look at how this converter works: Zawgyi to unicode converter

Step 1: Set Up a Next.js Project
Before we begin, ensure that you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Open your terminal and execute the following commands to create a new Next.js project:

npx create-next-app my-zawgyi-converter
cd my-zawgyi-converter
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Step 2: Install the Rabbit-Node Library
In your project directory, install the Rabbit-Node library by running the following command:

npm install rabbit-node
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Step 3: Create a Conversion Function
In the project's root directory, create a new file named zawgyiConverter.js and add the following code:

import Rabbit from 'rabbit-node';

const converter = Rabbit.zg2uni;

export const convertZawgyiToUnicode = (text) => {
  return converter(text);
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Step 4: Implement Conversion in a Next.js Component
Next, create a new file named MyComponent.js in the pages directory and replace the existing code with the following:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { convertZawgyiToUnicode } from '../zawgyiConverter';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [zawgyiText, setZawgyiText] = useState('');
  const [unicodeText, setUnicodeText] = useState('');

  const handleConversion = () => {
    const convertedText = convertZawgyiToUnicode(zawgyiText);

  return (
        onChange={(e) => setZawgyiText(}
        placeholder="Enter Zawgyi text..."
      <button onClick={handleConversion}>Convert</button>
      <p>Unicode Text: {unicodeText}</p>

export default MyComponent;
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Step 5: Test the Zawgyi to Unicode Conversion
To test the Zawgyi to Unicode conversion, open the pages/index.js file and replace the existing code with the following:

import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

const Home = () => {
  return <MyComponent />;

export default Home;
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Step 6: Start the Next.js Development Server
Now, start the Next.js development server by running the following command in your terminal:

npm run dev
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Once the server starts, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000. You should see a text area where you can enter Zawgyi-encoded text. Upon clicking the "Convert" button, the converted Unicode text will be displayed below.

Congratulations! You have successfully implemented Zawgyi to Unicode conversion in a Next.js application using the Rabbit-Node library.

In this tutorial, we walked through the process of converting Zawgyi-encoded text to Unicode in a Next.js application. By following these steps, you can integrate the Rabbit-Node library and ensure proper rendering of Burmese text in your Next.js projects.

If you are looking for tools to convert fonts to unicode then go check this website fontunicoder

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