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Cover image for Azure Functions – Access has been blocked by CORS policy
Jason St-Cyr
Jason St-Cyr

Posted on • Originally published at on


Azure Functions – Access has been blocked by CORS policy

Liquid syntax error: Unknown tag 'endraw'

Top comments (4)

malthew profile image

Isn't adding 'localhost' or 'dev.local' a security risk in production? Or am I misunderstanding how this setting in the Azure Portal works?

jasonstcyr profile image
Jason St-Cyr

For your production environment, you do want to remove any unsecure settings and restrict it to your production origin configurations. This is fine for some easy dev work. However, I wouldn't rely in production on CORS to provide my security. I would want to make sure I was using networking security to prevent entry into my production infrastructure from external untrusted parties.

boristomas profile image
Boris Tomas

Did you try to run fetch from 3rd party service like js fiddle, zapier?
I have connection timeout there, but API calls work from browser or postman. It seems like there are some IPs being blocked

jasonstcyr profile image
Jason St-Cyr

Sorry Boris, I didn't try that path out. Let me know if you figure it out, though!