Sometimes it helps to see a class diagram of your projects to understand the big picture. I have always been a fan of PlantUML. When it comes to drawing UML diagrams, plantUML is one of my favorites since drawings are generated out of a human-readable text file, which can be easily committed to git.
For that reason, I decided to write a Golang library to generate class diagrams from a Golang project.
Goplantuml is a Golang library with an added command that you can install if you run go already. It basically turns code like this
package goisawesome
import "strings"
type Foo struct {
field int
PublicField bool
type MyInterface interface {
GetValue() bool
func (f *Foo) myPrivateFunction() int {
return 3
func (f *Foo) GetValue() bool {
return true
func (f *Foo) MyPublicFunction() bool {
return true
into this
namespace goisawesome {
class Foo {
- field int
+ PublicField bool
- myPrivateFunction()
+ GetValue()
+ MyPublicFunction()
interface MyInterface {
+ GetValue()
strings.Builder *-- goisawesome.Foo
goisawesome.MyInterface <|-- goisawesome.Foo
which can be used with plantuml to generate a nice class diagram.
see example here
If you are interested, swing by the goplantuml repo.
PlantUML Class Diagram Generator for golang projects
GoPlantUML V2
GoPlantUML is an open-source tool developed to streamline the process of generating PlantUML diagrams from Go source code. With GoPlantUML, developers can effortlessly visualize the structure and relationships within their Go projects, aiding in code comprehension and documentation. By parsing Go source code and producing PlantUML diagrams, GoPlantUML empowers developers to create clear and concise visual representations of their codebase architecture, package dependencies, and function interactions. This tool simplifies the documentation process and enhances collaboration among team members by providing a visual overview of complex Go projects. GoPlantUML is actively maintained and welcomes contributions from the Go community.
Want to try it on your code?
Take a look at We have created dumels using this library.
Code of Conduct
Please, review the code of conduct here.
golang 1.17 or above
go get
go install
This will install the command goplantuml in…
I would love to hear you opinions. I also wrote an article about the program and how it is used if you would like more information.
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