DEV Community

Jonah Unuafe
Jonah Unuafe

Posted on

My Coding Journey

Harvard's University introduction to computer science is a good platform to start your coding journey. Here at Harvard University I've learnt the following:

  • C programming language

  • python

  • SQL

  • HTML

  • CSS

I've also gained a hand full of experience from freeCodeCamp using HTML and CSS to build things like Cat Photo App, Cafe Menu, Set of Colored Markers, and a Registration Form. I've also learnt: Typography by building a Nutrition Label, CSS-Box model by building Rothko Painting, Accessibility by building a Quiz, CSS pseudo-selectors by building a Balance Sheet, CSS flexbox by building a Photo Gallery, Intermediate CSS by building a picasso Building.

In addition to the above I've completed two certification projects by building a Survey Form and a Tribute Page and still learning.

Am still on my journey to becoming a seasoned Front-end Developer and probably a full stack at the end of the day.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step._

Top comments (3)

vulcanwm profile image

good luck with continuing your journey!

jonahunuafe profile image
Jonah Unuafe


vulcanwm profile image
