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Simran Makhija
Simran Makhija

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

Make your own blog site with GatsbyJS

As a part of the #100DaysOfCode challenge, I decided to create a blog to document my journey with the challenge.

This blog is built using GatsbyJS, and I learned the basics of Gatsby in a couple of days. If you know ReactJS, Gatsby is easy to catch on to.

Without further ado, let's dive into how you can develop a blog just like this for sharing your own thoughts and journeys.

Table of Contents

  1. What is GatsbyJS?
  2. What are starters in Gatsby?
  3. System Prerequisites
  4. Developing the site

What is GatsbyJS?

Gatsby is a React-based open-source framework for creating websites and apps.

What are starters in Gatsby?

To develop our blog we will be using the gatsby-starter-blog starter, but what is a starter?

  • It is a boilerplate Gatsby site that helps jump-start the development process.
  • Starters are maintained by the community, for the community.

System Prerequisites

You need to perform the following installations on your system before you begin with the development:

  1. Node.js: preferably the LTS version.
  2. After you install Node.js, open your terminal or command prompt and install gatsby-cli using npm with the command

npm install -g gatsby-cli

  1. To facilitate deployment and to make your repository on GitHub, you need to download and install git.


Use CodeSandbox to develop right from your browser! Creating and setting up the project is significantly easier and hassle-free in a sandbox. [Will not be using this method in this blog.]

We're all set to begin development!

Developing the site

Steps to develop

  1. Create a new gatsby project and install the starter
  2. Run the website locally
  3. Create a GitHub repository and push the code to the repository
  4. Change author details in gatsby-config.js
  5. Create your first blog post

Step 1:

Create a new gatsby project and install the starter
  1. Using your terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to create the project.
  2. To create a new project, we use the gatsby new command, we can install the starter in 2 ways:
  1. gatsby new {project-name} {starter-repo-link}
  2. gatsby new {project-name} {GithHub_username/repo_name}

For example, I want to call my project 'my-blog':

  1. gatsby new my-blog
  2. gatsby new my-blog gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog

Step 2:

Run the website locally
  1. Navigate to your project directory in the terminal. > cd my-blog
  2. Install all dependencies using npm or yarn.

\my-blog> npm install


\my-blog> yarn

  1. Run gatsby develop. The terminal output will look like this.
success open and validate gatsby-configs, load plugins - 7.188s
success extract queries from components - 6.805s
success write out requires - 0.107s
success run page queries - 0.041s - 1/1 24.10/s

You can now view my-blog in the browser.


View GraphiQL, an in-browser IDE, to explore your site's data and schema
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use gatsby build
success Building development bundle - 18.418s
success Writing page-data.json files to public directory - 1.640s - 2/3 1.83/s

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The website will now be accessible at http://localhost:8000/. As long as the development server is running, you can view your website here. It automatically recompiles every time you save changes as long as 'gatsby develop' is running.

The GraphiQL interface at http://localhost:8000/___graphql.

It is okay if you don't have experience working with GraphQL, I have yet to learn it and it is not needed to build this blog thanks to the starter!

Step 3:

Create a GitHub repository and push the code to the repository
  1. Navigate to the project directory in the terminal.
  2. Run the command git init to initialise a local git repository.
  3. Run git add -all to add all files to git.
  4. Run git commit -m "create initial commit" to commit these files to the repository.
  5. Now, sign in to GitHub and create a new empty repository. Copy the link to the repo. For example:
  6. In your terminal, in your local repository, run the following command to link to GitHub repo:

git remote add origin {repo-link}

Here, replace the {repo-link} with the link copied in the previous step.

  1. Push the initial commit to GitHub using the command git push -u origin main.

Our repository is now on GitHub! Now let's make some changes so that the blog is ours!

Step 4:

Change author details in gatsby-config.js
  1. Open the file '/my-blog/gatsby-config.js' in your favorite editor. I use VSCode.
  2. The file contains a module.exports object, within which the siteMetadata is there. It should look like this:
siteMetadata: {
   title: `Gatsby Starter Blog`,
   author: {
     name: `Kyle Mathews`,
     summary: `who lives and works in San Francisco building useful things.`,
   description: `A starter blog demonstrating what Gatsby can do.`,
   siteUrl: ``,
   social: {
     twitter: `kylemathews`,
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Replace with your details, except for siteUrl for now, like so:

siteMetadata: {
   title: `Simran's Blog`,
   author: {
     name: `Simran Makhija`,
     summary: `who lives and studies Computer Science in Indore, India.`,
   description: `My blog for sharing all things tech and community, built with GatsbyJS as a part of #100DaysOfCode`,
   siteUrl: ``,
   social: {
     twitter: `justdev_sim`,
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  1. Replace src/images/profile-pic.png with your own picture. Make sure the name of the image is profile-pic.png.

Now, the blog has your name, title info and image!
The site will now look like this:

Blog with your details

Step 5:

Create your first blog post

Now, let's take a look at how our blogs are stored and organised.

  1. The content\blog directory stores all your blog posts.
  2. Each blog post has its own subdirectory. The name of this subdirectory corresponds to the route at which the blog will be rendered.

For example: The blog within the hello-world folder can be found at {base-url}/hello-world (http://localhost:8000/hello-world on our local server)

  1. The file contains the markdown source for your blog. The default hello-world contains a markdown cheatsheet of sorts that I have stored in a separate file and refer to for syntax.

Now, let's go ahead and write our own first blog.

  • Delete all folders within content/blog.
  • Create a new folder hello-world.
  • Within this folder, create a new file This is where we'll write our markdown source.
  • In the file, add the frontmatter:
title: "Hello World"
date: "2021-11-26T22:00:32.169Z"
description: "Hi! I am a student developer. Nice to meet you!"
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This front matter corresponds to the name, date and blog description we see on the home page like so:
Blog description on home page

  • Below the frontmatter, you can include the entire content of your blog. Here's how my content/blog/hello-world/ looks:
title: Hello World
date: "2021-11-26T22:00:32.169Z"
description: "Hi! I am a student developer. Nice to meet you!"

Hi! I am **Simran Makhija** 🙋🏻‍♀️ Nice to meet you 🤝
I am a final year **Computer Science & Engineering** student from Indore, India.👩‍💻
Thank you for dropping by!🌸
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Save all changes and push them to your GitHub repository.

To deploy this blog site to Netlify (for free😉) follow this step-by-step guide!

This is it on developing the blog site. Hope it was easy to follow and helpful.

In my next blog, I will be writing about deploying this site to the internet.

Thank you for reading! See you then :)

Top comments (5)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

Seems very over-engineered for a simple blog. Also, Gatsby does weird stuff when reloading pages (not returning to the correct part of the page on refresh in the same way an ordinary page would)

I really don't understand why people re-engineer stuff all the time - stuff that works perfectly well already - things as diverse a simple blog site, or a simple dropdown on a form. They make this stuff, realise it doesn't behave as well as what it was intended to replace, then make all kinds of finicky fixes to make it behave 'normally' - and end up with something that looks normal, but still doesn't behave as well or perform as well as the original thing it was intended to 'improve'. Add on top of that all of the associated tooling to make working with this 'cool' stuff 'easier'. All that effort for... what?

Sorry if these seems like an attack or criticism of you or your work - it's not... it's a criticism of the ridiculous state of modern web development - with its tendency to use sledgehammers to crack nuts

noncototient profile image

Have to stay busy and justify the developer salary :D

justdev_sim profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
Simran Makhija

I saw a website today and it reminded me of your comment, thought you'd like it: xD

joeattardi profile image
Joe Attardi

You can also combine Netlify CMS with Gatsby for a lightweight CMS that's one step above editing Markdown files by hand!

justdev_sim profile image
Simran Makhija

I'll definitely look into it! Thank you

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