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Teddy Zugana
Teddy Zugana

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PHP excel Extract All Content Data to Txt

build : SpreadsheetReader.php

     * Main class for spreadsheet reading
     * @version 0.5.10
     * @author Martins Pilsetnieks
class SpreadsheetReader implements SeekableIterator, Countable
    const TYPE_XLSX = 'XLSX';
    const TYPE_XLS = 'XLS';
    const TYPE_CSV = 'CSV';
    const TYPE_ODS = 'ODS';

    private $Options = array(
        'Delimiter' => '',
        'Enclosure' => '"'

     * @var int Current row in the file
    private $Index = 0;

     * @var SpreadsheetReader_* Handle for the reader object
    private $Handle = array();

     * @var TYPE_* Type of the contained spreadsheet
    private $Type = false;

     * @param string Path to file
     * @param string Original filename (in case of an uploaded file), used to determine file type, optional
     * @param string MIME type from an upload, used to determine file type, optional
    public function __construct($Filepath, $OriginalFilename = false, $MimeType = false)
        if (!is_readable($Filepath))
            throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader: File ('.$Filepath.') not readable');

        // To avoid timezone warnings and exceptions for formatting dates retrieved from files
        $DefaultTZ = @date_default_timezone_get();
        if ($DefaultTZ)

        // Checking the other parameters for correctness

        // This should be a check for string but we're lenient
        if (!empty($OriginalFilename) && !is_scalar($OriginalFilename))
            throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader: Original file (2nd parameter) path is not a string or a scalar value.');
        if (!empty($MimeType) && !is_scalar($MimeType))
            throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader: Mime type (3nd parameter) path is not a string or a scalar value.');

        // 1. Determine type
        if (!$OriginalFilename)
            $OriginalFilename = $Filepath;

        $Extension = strtolower(pathinfo($OriginalFilename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));

        switch ($MimeType)
            case 'text/csv':
            case 'text/comma-separated-values':
            case 'text/plain':
                $this -> Type = self::TYPE_CSV;
            case 'application/':
            case 'application/msexcel':
            case 'application/x-msexcel':
            case 'application/x-ms-excel':
            case 'application/':
            case 'application/x-excel':
            case 'application/x-dos_ms_excel':
            case 'application/xls':
            case 'application/xlt':
            case 'application/x-xls':
                // Excel does weird stuff
                if (in_array($Extension, array('csv', 'tsv', 'txt')))
                    $this -> Type = self::TYPE_CSV;
                    $this -> Type = self::TYPE_XLS;
            case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet':
            case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template':
                $this -> Type = self::TYPE_ODS;
            case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet':
            case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template':
            case 'application/xlsx':
            case 'application/xltx':
                $this -> Type = self::TYPE_XLSX;
            case 'application/xml':
                // Excel 2004 xml format uses this

        if (!$this -> Type)
            switch ($Extension)
                case 'xlsx':
                case 'xltx': // XLSX template
                case 'xlsm': // Macro-enabled XLSX
                case 'xltm': // Macro-enabled XLSX template
                    $this -> Type = self::TYPE_XLSX;
                case 'xls':
                case 'xlt':
                    $this -> Type = self::TYPE_XLS;
                case 'ods':
                case 'odt':
                    $this -> Type = self::TYPE_ODS;
                    $this -> Type = self::TYPE_CSV;

        // Pre-checking XLS files, in case they are renamed CSV or XLSX files
        if ($this -> Type == self::TYPE_XLS)
            $this -> Handle = new SpreadsheetReader_XLS($Filepath);
            if ($this -> Handle -> Error)
                $this -> Handle -> __destruct();

                if (is_resource($ZipHandle = zip_open($Filepath)))
                    $this -> Type = self::TYPE_XLSX;
                    $this -> Type = self::TYPE_CSV;

        // 2. Create handle
        switch ($this -> Type)
            case self::TYPE_XLSX:
                $this -> Handle = new SpreadsheetReader_XLSX($Filepath);
            case self::TYPE_CSV:
                $this -> Handle = new SpreadsheetReader_CSV($Filepath, $this -> Options);
            case self::TYPE_XLS:
                // Everything already happens above
            case self::TYPE_ODS:
                $this -> Handle = new SpreadsheetReader_ODS($Filepath, $this -> Options);

     * Gets information about separate sheets in the given file
     * @return array Associative array where key is sheet index and value is sheet name
    public function Sheets()
        return $this -> Handle -> Sheets();

     * Changes the current sheet to another from the file.
     *  Note that changing the sheet will rewind the file to the beginning, even if
     *  the current sheet index is provided.
     * @param int Sheet index
     * @return bool True if sheet could be changed to the specified one,
     *  false if not (for example, if incorrect index was provided.
    public function ChangeSheet($Index)
        return $this -> Handle -> ChangeSheet($Index);

     * Autoloads the required class for the particular spreadsheet type
     * @param TYPE_* Spreadsheet type, one of TYPE_* constants of this class
    private static function Load($Type)
        if (!in_array($Type, array(self::TYPE_XLSX, self::TYPE_XLS, self::TYPE_CSV, self::TYPE_ODS)))
            throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader: Invalid type ('.$Type.')');

        // 2nd parameter is to prevent autoloading for the class.
        // If autoload works, the require line is unnecessary, if it doesn't, it ends badly.
        if (!class_exists('SpreadsheetReader_'.$Type, false))

    // !Iterator interface methods

     * Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
     * Similar to the reset() function for arrays in PHP
    public function rewind()
        $this -> Index = 0;
        if ($this -> Handle)
            $this -> Handle -> rewind();

     * Return the current element.
     * Similar to the current() function for arrays in PHP
     * @return mixed current element from the collection
    public function current()
        if ($this -> Handle)
            return $this -> Handle -> current();
        return null;

     * Move forward to next element. 
     * Similar to the next() function for arrays in PHP 
    public function next()
        if ($this -> Handle)
            $this -> Index++;

            return $this -> Handle -> next();
        return null;

     * Return the identifying key of the current element.
     * Similar to the key() function for arrays in PHP
     * @return mixed either an integer or a string
    public function key()
        if ($this -> Handle)
            return $this -> Handle -> key();
        return null;

     * Check if there is a current element after calls to rewind() or next().
     * Used to check if we've iterated to the end of the collection
     * @return boolean FALSE if there's nothing more to iterate over
    public function valid()
        if ($this -> Handle)
            return $this -> Handle -> valid();
        return false;

    // !Countable interface method
    public function count()
        if ($this -> Handle)
            return $this -> Handle -> count();
        return 0;

     * Method for SeekableIterator interface. Takes a posiiton and traverses the file to that position
     * The value can be retrieved with a `current()` call afterwards.
     * @param int Position in file
    public function seek($Position)
        if (!$this -> Handle)
            throw new OutOfBoundsException('SpreadsheetReader: No file opened');

        $CurrentIndex = $this -> Handle -> key();

        if ($CurrentIndex != $Position)
            if ($Position < $CurrentIndex || is_null($CurrentIndex) || $Position == 0)
                $this -> rewind();

            while ($this -> Handle -> valid() && ($Position > $this -> Handle -> key()))
                $this -> Handle -> next();

            if (!$this -> Handle -> valid())
                throw new OutOfBoundsException('SpreadsheetError: Position '.$Position.' not found');

        return null;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


THEN BUILD LIBRARY : SpreadsheetReader_XLS.php


  • Class for parsing XLS files *
  • @author Martins Pilsetnieks
    class SpreadsheetReader_XLS implements Iterator, Countable
    * @var array Options array, pre-populated with the default values.
    private $Options = array(

     * @var resource File handle
    private $Handle = false;
    private $Index = 0;
    private $Error = false;
     * @var array Sheet information
    private $Sheets = false;
    private $SheetIndexes = array();
     * @var int Current sheet index
    private $CurrentSheet = 0;
     * @var array Content of the current row
    private $CurrentRow = array();
     * @var int Column count in the sheet
    private $ColumnCount = 0;
     * @var int Row count in the sheet
    private $RowCount = 0;
     * @var array Template to use for empty rows. Retrieved rows are merged
     *  with this so that empty cells are added, too
    private $EmptyRow = array();
     * @param string Path to file
     * @param array Options
    public function __construct($Filepath, array $Options = null)
        if (!is_readable($Filepath))
            throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLS: File not readable ('.$Filepath.')');
        if (!class_exists('Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader'))
            throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLS: Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader class not available');
        $this -> Handle = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader($Filepath, false, 'UTF-8');
        if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding'))
            $this -> Handle -> setUTFEncoder('mb');
        if (empty($this -> Handle -> sheets))
            $this -> Error = true;
            return null;
        $this -> ChangeSheet(0);
    public function __destruct()
        unset($this -> Handle);
     * Retrieves an array with information about sheets in the current file
     * @return array List of sheets (key is sheet index, value is name)
    public function Sheets()
        if ($this -> Sheets === false)
            $this -> Sheets = array();
            $this -> SheetIndexes = array_keys($this -> Handle -> sheets);
            foreach ($this -> SheetIndexes as $SheetIndex)
                $this -> Sheets[] = $this -> Handle -> boundsheets[$SheetIndex]['name'];
        return $this -> Sheets;
     * Changes the current sheet in the file to another
     * @param int Sheet index
     * @return bool True if sheet was successfully changed, false otherwise.
    public function ChangeSheet($Index)
        $Index = (int)$Index;
        $Sheets = $this -> Sheets();
        if (isset($this -> Sheets[$Index]))
            $this -> rewind();
            $this -> CurrentSheet = $this -> SheetIndexes[$Index];
            $this -> ColumnCount = $this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['numCols'];
            $this -> RowCount = $this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['numRows'];
            // For the case when Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader doesn't have the row count set correctly.
            if (!$this -> RowCount && count($this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells']))
                end($this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells']);
                $this -> RowCount = (int)key($this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells']);
            if ($this -> ColumnCount)
                $this -> EmptyRow = array_fill(1, $this -> ColumnCount, '');
                $this -> EmptyRow = array();
        return false;
    public function __get($Name)
        switch ($Name)
            case 'Error':
                return $this -> Error;
        return null;
    // !Iterator interface methods
     * Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
     * Similar to the reset() function for arrays in PHP
    public function rewind()
        $this -> Index = 0;
     * Return the current element.
     * Similar to the current() function for arrays in PHP
     * @return mixed current element from the collection
    public function current()
        if ($this -> Index == 0)
            $this -> next();
        return $this -> CurrentRow;
     * Move forward to next element. 
     * Similar to the next() function for arrays in PHP 
    public function next()
        // Internal counter is advanced here instead of the if statement
        //  because apparently it's fully possible that an empty row will not be
        //  present at all
        $this -> Index++;
        if ($this -> Error)
            return array();
        elseif (isset($this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells'][$this -> Index]))
            $this -> CurrentRow = $this -> Handle -> sheets[$this -> CurrentSheet]['cells'][$this -> Index];
            if (!$this -> CurrentRow)
                return array();
            $this -> CurrentRow = $this -> CurrentRow + $this -> EmptyRow;
            ksort($this -> CurrentRow);
            $this -> CurrentRow = array_values($this -> CurrentRow);
            return $this -> CurrentRow;
            $this -> CurrentRow = $this -> EmptyRow;
            return $this -> CurrentRow;
     * Return the identifying key of the current element.
     * Similar to the key() function for arrays in PHP
     * @return mixed either an integer or a string
    public function key()
        return $this -> Index;
     * Check if there is a current element after calls to rewind() or next().
     * Used to check if we've iterated to the end of the collection
     * @return boolean FALSE if there's nothing more to iterate over
    public function valid()
        if ($this -> Error)
            return false;
        return ($this -> Index <= $this -> RowCount);
    // !Countable interface method
     * Ostensibly should return the count of the contained items but this just returns the number
     * of rows read so far. It's not really correct but at least coherent.
    public function count()
        if ($this -> Error)
            return 0;
        return $this -> RowCount;


THEN BUILD XLSX LIBRARY : SpreadsheetReader_XLSX.php


  • Class for parsing XLSX files specifically *
  • @author Martins Pilsetnieks
    class SpreadsheetReader_XLSX implements Iterator, Countable
    const CELL_TYPE_BOOL = 'b';
    const CELL_TYPE_NUMBER = 'n';
    const CELL_TYPE_ERROR = 'e';
    const CELL_TYPE_SHARED_STR = 's';
    const CELL_TYPE_STR = 'str';
    const CELL_TYPE_INLINE_STR = 'inlineStr';

     * Number of shared strings that can be reasonably cached, i.e., that aren't read from file but stored in memory.
     *  If the total number of shared strings is higher than this, caching is not used.
     *  If this value is null, shared strings are cached regardless of amount.
     *  With large shared string caches there are huge performance gains, however a lot of memory could be used which
     *  can be a problem, especially on shared hosting.
    const SHARED_STRING_CACHE_LIMIT = 50000;
    private $Options = array(
        'TempDir' => '',
        'ReturnDateTimeObjects' => false
    private static $RuntimeInfo = array(
        'GMPSupported' => false
    private $Valid = false;
     * @var SpreadsheetReader_* Handle for the reader object
    private $Handle = false;
    // Worksheet file
     * @var string Path to the worksheet XML file
    private $WorksheetPath = false;
     * @var XMLReader XML reader object for the worksheet XML file
    private $Worksheet = false;
    // Shared strings file
     * @var string Path to shared strings XML file
    private $SharedStringsPath = false;
     * @var XMLReader XML reader object for the shared strings XML file
    private $SharedStrings = false;
     * @var array Shared strings cache, if the number of shared strings is low enough
    private $SharedStringCache = array();
    // Workbook data
     * @var SimpleXMLElement XML object for the workbook XML file
    private $WorkbookXML = false;
    // Style data
     * @var SimpleXMLElement XML object for the styles XML file
    private $StylesXML = false;
     * @var array Container for cell value style data
    private $Styles = array();
    private $TempDir = '';
    private $TempFiles = array();
    private $CurrentRow = false;
    // Runtime parsing data
     * @var int Current row in the file
    private $Index = 0;
     * @var array Data about separate sheets in the file
    private $Sheets = false;
    private $SharedStringCount = 0;
    private $SharedStringIndex = 0;
    private $LastSharedStringValue = null;
    private $RowOpen = false;
    private $SSOpen = false;
    private $SSForwarded = false;
    private static $BuiltinFormats = array(
        0 => '',
        1 => '0',
        2 => '0.00',
        3 => '#,##0',
        4 => '#,##0.00',
        9 => '0%',
        10 => '0.00%',
        11 => '0.00E+00',
        12 => '# ?/?',
        13 => '# ??/??',
        14 => 'mm-dd-yy',
        15 => 'd-mmm-yy',
        16 => 'd-mmm',
        17 => 'mmm-yy',
        18 => 'h:mm AM/PM',
        19 => 'h:mm:ss AM/PM',
        20 => 'h:mm',
        21 => 'h:mm:ss',
        22 => 'm/d/yy h:mm',
        37 => '#,##0 ;(#,##0)',
        38 => '#,##0 ;[Red](#,##0)',
        39 => '#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)',
        40 => '#,##0.00;[Red](#,##0.00)',
        45 => 'mm:ss',
        46 => '[h]:mm:ss',
        47 => 'mmss.0',
        48 => '##0.0E+0',
        49 => '@',
        // CHT & CHS
        27 => '[$-404]e/m/d',
        30 => 'm/d/yy',
        36 => '[$-404]e/m/d',
        50 => '[$-404]e/m/d',
        57 => '[$-404]e/m/d',
        // THA
        59 => 't0',
        60 => 't0.00',
        61 =>'t#,##0',
        62 => 't#,##0.00',
        67 => 't0%',
        68 => 't0.00%',
        69 => 't# ?/?',
        70 => 't# ??/??'
    private $Formats = array();
    private static $DateReplacements = array(
        'All' => array(
            '\\' => '',
            'am/pm' => 'A',
            'yyyy' => 'Y',
            'yy' => 'y',
            'mmmmm' => 'M',
            'mmmm' => 'F',
            'mmm' => 'M',
            ':mm' => ':i',
            'mm' => 'm',
            'm' => 'n',
            'dddd' => 'l',
            'ddd' => 'D',
            'dd' => 'd',
            'd' => 'j',
            'ss' => 's',
            '.s' => ''
        '24H' => array(
            'hh' => 'H',
            'h' => 'G'
        '12H' => array(
            'hh' => 'h',
            'h' => 'G'
    private static $BaseDate = false;
    private static $DecimalSeparator = '.';
    private static $ThousandSeparator = '';
    private static $CurrencyCode = '';
     * @var array Cache for already processed format strings
    private $ParsedFormatCache = array();
     * @param string Path to file
     * @param array Options:
     *  TempDir => string Temporary directory path
     *  ReturnDateTimeObjects => bool True => dates and times will be returned as PHP DateTime objects, false => as strings
    public function __construct($Filepath, array $Options = null)
        if (!is_readable($Filepath))
            throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLSX: File not readable ('.$Filepath.')');
        $this -> TempDir = isset($Options['TempDir']) && is_writable($Options['TempDir']) ?
            $Options['TempDir'] :
        $this -> TempDir = rtrim($this -> TempDir, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
        $this -> TempDir = $this -> TempDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.uniqid().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
        $Zip = new ZipArchive;
        $Status = $Zip -> open($Filepath);
        if ($Status !== true)
            throw new Exception('SpreadsheetReader_XLSX: File not readable ('.$Filepath.') (Error '.$Status.')');
        // Getting the general workbook information
        if ($Zip -> locateName('xl/workbook.xml') !== false)
            $this -> WorkbookXML = new SimpleXMLElement($Zip -> getFromName('xl/workbook.xml'));
        // Extracting the XMLs from the XLSX zip file
        if ($Zip -> locateName('xl/sharedStrings.xml') !== false)
            $this -> SharedStringsPath = $this -> TempDir.'xl'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sharedStrings.xml';
            $Zip -> extractTo($this -> TempDir, 'xl/sharedStrings.xml');
            $this -> TempFiles[] = $this -> TempDir.'xl'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sharedStrings.xml';
            if (is_readable($this -> SharedStringsPath))
                $this -> SharedStrings = new XMLReader;
                $this -> SharedStrings -> open($this -> SharedStringsPath);
                $this -> PrepareSharedStringCache();
        $Sheets = $this -> Sheets();
        foreach ($this -> Sheets as $Index => $Name)
            if ($Zip -> locateName('xl/worksheets/sheet'.$Index.'.xml') !== false)
                $Zip -> extractTo($this -> TempDir, 'xl/worksheets/sheet'.$Index.'.xml');
                $this -> TempFiles[] = $this -> TempDir.'xl'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'worksheets'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sheet'.$Index.'.xml';
        $this -> ChangeSheet(0);
        // If worksheet is present and is OK, parse the styles already
        if ($Zip -> locateName('xl/styles.xml') !== false)
            $this -> StylesXML = new SimpleXMLElement($Zip -> getFromName('xl/styles.xml'));
            if ($this -> StylesXML && $this -> StylesXML -> cellXfs && $this -> StylesXML -> cellXfs -> xf)
                foreach ($this -> StylesXML -> cellXfs -> xf as $Index => $XF)
                    // Format #0 is a special case - it is the "General" format that is applied regardless of applyNumberFormat
                    if ($XF -> attributes() -> applyNumberFormat || (0 == (int)$XF -> attributes() -> numFmtId))
                        $FormatId = (int)$XF -> attributes() -> numFmtId;
                        // If format ID >= 164, it is a custom format and should be read from styleSheet\numFmts
                        $this -> Styles[] = $FormatId;
                        // 0 for "General" format
                        $this -> Styles[] = 0;
            if ($this -> StylesXML -> numFmts && $this -> StylesXML -> numFmts -> numFmt)
                foreach ($this -> StylesXML -> numFmts -> numFmt as $Index => $NumFmt)
                    $this -> Formats[(int)$NumFmt -> attributes() -> numFmtId] = (string)$NumFmt -> attributes() -> formatCode;
            unset($this -> StylesXML);
        $Zip -> close();
        // Setting base date
        if (!self::$BaseDate)
            self::$BaseDate = new DateTime;
            self::$BaseDate -> setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
            self::$BaseDate -> setDate(1900, 1, 0);
            self::$BaseDate -> setTime(0, 0, 0);
        // Decimal and thousand separators
        if (!self::$DecimalSeparator && !self::$ThousandSeparator && !self::$CurrencyCode)
            $Locale = localeconv();
            self::$DecimalSeparator = $Locale['decimal_point'];
            self::$ThousandSeparator = $Locale['thousands_sep'];
            self::$CurrencyCode = $Locale['int_curr_symbol'];
        if (function_exists('gmp_gcd'))
            self::$RuntimeInfo['GMPSupported'] = true;
     * Destructor, destroys all that remains (closes and deletes temp files)
    public function __destruct()
        foreach ($this -> TempFiles as $TempFile)
        // Better safe than sorry - shouldn't try deleting '.' or '/', or '..'.
        if (strlen($this -> TempDir) > 2)
            @rmdir($this -> TempDir.'xl'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'worksheets');
            @rmdir($this -> TempDir.'xl');
            @rmdir($this -> TempDir);
        if ($this -> Worksheet && $this -> Worksheet instanceof XMLReader)
            $this -> Worksheet -> close();
            unset($this -> Worksheet);
        unset($this -> WorksheetPath);
        if ($this -> SharedStrings && $this -> SharedStrings instanceof XMLReader)
            $this -> SharedStrings -> close();
            unset($this -> SharedStrings);
        unset($this -> SharedStringsPath);
        if (isset($this -> StylesXML))
            unset($this -> StylesXML);
        if ($this -> WorkbookXML)
            unset($this -> WorkbookXML);
     * Retrieves an array with information about sheets in the current file
     * @return array List of sheets (key is sheet index, value is name)
    public function Sheets()
        if ($this -> Sheets === false)
            $this -> Sheets = array();
            foreach ($this -> WorkbookXML -> sheets -> sheet as $Index => $Sheet)
                $Attributes = $Sheet -> attributes('r', true);
                foreach ($Attributes as $Name => $Value)
                    if ($Name == 'id')
                        $SheetID = (int)str_replace('rId', '', (string)$Value);
                $this -> Sheets[$SheetID] = (string)$Sheet['name'];
            ksort($this -> Sheets);
        return array_values($this -> Sheets);
     * Changes the current sheet in the file to another
     * @param int Sheet index
     * @return bool True if sheet was successfully changed, false otherwise.
    public function ChangeSheet($Index)
        $RealSheetIndex = false;
        $Sheets = $this -> Sheets();
        if (isset($Sheets[$Index]))
            $SheetIndexes = array_keys($this -> Sheets);
            $RealSheetIndex = $SheetIndexes[$Index];
        $TempWorksheetPath = $this -> TempDir.'xl/worksheets/sheet'.$RealSheetIndex.'.xml';
        if ($RealSheetIndex !== false && is_readable($TempWorksheetPath))
            $this -> WorksheetPath = $TempWorksheetPath;
            $this -> rewind();
            return true;
        return false;
     * Creating shared string cache if the number of shared strings is acceptably low (or there is no limit on the amount
    private function PrepareSharedStringCache()
        while ($this -> SharedStrings -> read())
            if ($this -> SharedStrings -> name == 'sst')
                $this -> SharedStringCount = $this -> SharedStrings -> getAttribute('count');
        if (!$this -> SharedStringCount || (self::SHARED_STRING_CACHE_LIMIT < $this -> SharedStringCount && self::SHARED_STRING_CACHE_LIMIT !== null))
            return false;
        $CacheIndex = 0;
        $CacheValue = '';
        while ($this -> SharedStrings -> read())
            switch ($this -> SharedStrings -> name)
                case 'si':
                    if ($this -> SharedStrings -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT)
                        $this -> SharedStringCache[$CacheIndex] = $CacheValue;
                        $CacheValue = '';
                case 't':
                    if ($this -> SharedStrings -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT)
                    $CacheValue .= $this -> SharedStrings -> readString();
        $this -> SharedStrings -> close();
        return true;
     * Retrieves a shared string value by its index
     * @param int Shared string index
     * @return string Value
    private function GetSharedString($Index)
        if ((self::SHARED_STRING_CACHE_LIMIT === null || self::SHARED_STRING_CACHE_LIMIT > 0) && !empty($this -> SharedStringCache))
            if (isset($this -> SharedStringCache[$Index]))
                return $this -> SharedStringCache[$Index];
                return '';
        // If the desired index is before the current, rewind the XML
        if ($this -> SharedStringIndex > $Index)
            $this -> SSOpen = false;
            $this -> SharedStrings -> close();
            $this -> SharedStrings -> open($this -> SharedStringsPath);
            $this -> SharedStringIndex = 0;
            $this -> LastSharedStringValue = null;
            $this -> SSForwarded = false;
        // Finding the unique string count (if not already read)
        if ($this -> SharedStringIndex == 0 && !$this -> SharedStringCount)
            while ($this -> SharedStrings -> read())
                if ($this -> SharedStrings -> name == 'sst')
                    $this -> SharedStringCount = $this -> SharedStrings -> getAttribute('uniqueCount');
        // If index of the desired string is larger than possible, don't even bother.
        if ($this -> SharedStringCount && ($Index >= $this -> SharedStringCount))
            return '';
        // If an index with the same value as the last already fetched is requested
        // (any further traversing the tree would get us further away from the node)
        if (($Index == $this -> SharedStringIndex) && ($this -> LastSharedStringValue !== null))
            return $this -> LastSharedStringValue;
        // Find the correct <si> node with the desired index
        while ($this -> SharedStringIndex <= $Index)
            // SSForwarded is set further to avoid double reading in case nodes are skipped.
            if ($this -> SSForwarded)
                $this -> SSForwarded = false;
                $ReadStatus = $this -> SharedStrings -> read();
                if (!$ReadStatus)
            if ($this -> SharedStrings -> name == 'si')
                if ($this -> SharedStrings -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT)
                    $this -> SSOpen = false;
                    $this -> SharedStringIndex++;
                    $this -> SSOpen = true;
                    if ($this -> SharedStringIndex < $Index)
                        $this -> SSOpen = false;
                        $this -> SharedStrings -> next('si');
                        $this -> SSForwarded = true;
                        $this -> SharedStringIndex++;
        $Value = '';
        // Extract the value from the shared string
        if ($this -> SSOpen && ($this -> SharedStringIndex == $Index))
            while ($this -> SharedStrings -> read())
                switch ($this -> SharedStrings -> name)
                    case 't':
                        if ($this -> SharedStrings -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT)
                        $Value .= $this -> SharedStrings -> readString();
                    case 'si':
                        if ($this -> SharedStrings -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT)
                            $this -> SSOpen = false;
                            $this -> SSForwarded = true;
                            break 2;
        if ($Value)
            $this -> LastSharedStringValue = $Value;
        return $Value;
     * Formats the value according to the index
     * @param string Cell value
     * @param int Format index
     * @return string Formatted cell value
    private function FormatValue($Value, $Index)
        if (!is_numeric($Value))
            return $Value;
        if (isset($this -> Styles[$Index]) && ($this -> Styles[$Index] !== false))
            $Index = $this -> Styles[$Index];
            return $Value;
        // A special case for the "General" format
        if ($Index == 0)
            return $this -> GeneralFormat($Value);
        $Format = array();
        if (isset($this -> ParsedFormatCache[$Index]))
            $Format = $this -> ParsedFormatCache[$Index];
        if (!$Format)
            $Format = array(
                'Code' => false,
                'Type' => false,
                'Scale' => 1,
                'Thousands' => false,
                'Currency' => false
            if (isset(self::$BuiltinFormats[$Index]))
                $Format['Code'] = self::$BuiltinFormats[$Index];
            elseif (isset($this -> Formats[$Index]))
                $Format['Code'] = $this -> Formats[$Index];
            // Format code found, now parsing the format
            if ($Format['Code'])
                $Sections = explode(';', $Format['Code']);
                $Format['Code'] = $Sections[0];
                switch (count($Sections))
                    case 2:
                        if ($Value < 0)
                            $Format['Code'] = $Sections[1];
                    case 3:
                    case 4:
                        if ($Value < 0)
                            $Format['Code'] = $Sections[1];
                        elseif ($Value == 0)
                            $Format['Code'] = $Sections[2];
            // Stripping colors
            $Format['Code'] = trim(preg_replace('{^\[[[:alpha:]]+\]}i', '', $Format['Code']));
            // Percentages
            if (substr($Format['Code'], -1) == '%')
                $Format['Type'] = 'Percentage';
            elseif (preg_match('{^(\[\$[[:alpha:]]*-[0-9A-F]*\])*[hmsdy]}i', $Format['Code']))
                $Format['Type'] = 'DateTime';
                $Format['Code'] = trim(preg_replace('{^(\[\$[[:alpha:]]*-[0-9A-F]*\])}i', '', $Format['Code']));
                $Format['Code'] = strtolower($Format['Code']);
                $Format['Code'] = strtr($Format['Code'], self::$DateReplacements['All']);
                if (strpos($Format['Code'], 'A') === false)
                    $Format['Code'] = strtr($Format['Code'], self::$DateReplacements['24H']);
                    $Format['Code'] = strtr($Format['Code'], self::$DateReplacements['12H']);
            elseif ($Format['Code'] == '[$EUR ]#,##0.00_-')
                $Format['Type'] = 'Euro';
                // Removing skipped characters
                $Format['Code'] = preg_replace('{_.}', '', $Format['Code']);
                // Removing unnecessary escaping
                $Format['Code'] = preg_replace("{\\\\}", '', $Format['Code']);
                // Removing string quotes
                $Format['Code'] = str_replace(array('"', '*'), '', $Format['Code']);
                // Removing thousands separator
                if (strpos($Format['Code'], '0,0') !== false || strpos($Format['Code'], '#,#') !== false)
                    $Format['Thousands'] = true;
                $Format['Code'] = str_replace(array('0,0', '#,#'), array('00', '##'), $Format['Code']);
                // Scaling (Commas indicate the power)
                $Scale = 1;
                $Matches = array();
                if (preg_match('{(0|#)(,+)}', $Format['Code'], $Matches))
                    $Scale = pow(1000, strlen($Matches[2]));
                    // Removing the commas
                    $Format['Code'] = preg_replace(array('{0,+}', '{#,+}'), array('0', '#'), $Format['Code']);
                $Format['Scale'] = $Scale;
                if (preg_match('{#?.*\?\/\?}', $Format['Code']))
                    $Format['Type'] = 'Fraction';
                    $Format['Code'] = str_replace('#', '', $Format['Code']);
                    $Matches = array();
                    if (preg_match('{(0+)(\.?)(0*)}', preg_replace('{\[[^\]]+\]}', '', $Format['Code']), $Matches))
                        $Integer = $Matches[1];
                        $DecimalPoint = $Matches[2];
                        $Decimals = $Matches[3];
                        $Format['MinWidth'] = strlen($Integer) + strlen($DecimalPoint) + strlen($Decimals);
                        $Format['Decimals'] = $Decimals;
                        $Format['Precision'] = strlen($Format['Decimals']);
                        $Format['Pattern'] = '%0'.$Format['MinWidth'].'.'.$Format['Precision'].'f';
                $Matches = array();
                if (preg_match('{\[\$(.*)\]}u', $Format['Code'], $Matches))
                    $CurrFormat = $Matches[0];
                    $CurrCode = $Matches[1];
                    $CurrCode = explode('-', $CurrCode);
                    if ($CurrCode)
                        $CurrCode = $CurrCode[0];
                    if (!$CurrCode)
                        $CurrCode = self::$CurrencyCode;
                    $Format['Currency'] = $CurrCode;
                $Format['Code'] = trim($Format['Code']);
            $this -> ParsedFormatCache[$Index] = $Format;
        // Applying format to value
        if ($Format)
            if ($Format['Code'] == '@')
                return (string)$Value;
            // Percentages
            elseif ($Format['Type'] == 'Percentage')
                if ($Format['Code'] === '0%')
                    $Value = round(100 * $Value, 0).'%';
                    $Value = sprintf('%.2f%%', round(100 * $Value, 2));
            // Dates and times
            elseif ($Format['Type'] == 'DateTime')
                $Days = (int)$Value;
                // Correcting for Feb 29, 1900
                if ($Days > 60)
                // At this point time is a fraction of a day
                $Time = ($Value - (int)$Value);
                $Seconds = 0;
                if ($Time)
                    // Here time is converted to seconds
                    // Some loss of precision will occur
                    $Seconds = (int)($Time * 86400);
                $Value = clone self::$BaseDate;
                $Value -> add(new DateInterval('P'.$Days.'D'.($Seconds ? 'T'.$Seconds.'S' : '')));
                if (!$this -> Options['ReturnDateTimeObjects'])
                    $Value = $Value -> format($Format['Code']);
                    // A DateTime object is returned
            elseif ($Format['Type'] == 'Euro')
                $Value = 'EUR '.sprintf('%1.2f', $Value);
                // Fractional numbers
                if ($Format['Type'] == 'Fraction' && ($Value != (int)$Value))
                    $Integer = floor(abs($Value));
                    $Decimal = fmod(abs($Value), 1);
                    // Removing the integer part and decimal point
                    $Decimal *= pow(10, strlen($Decimal) - 2);
                    $DecimalDivisor = pow(10, strlen($Decimal));
                    if (self::$RuntimeInfo['GMPSupported'])
                        $GCD = gmp_strval(gmp_gcd($Decimal, $DecimalDivisor));
                        $GCD = self::GCD($Decimal, $DecimalDivisor);
                    $AdjDecimal = $DecimalPart/$GCD;
                    $AdjDecimalDivisor = $DecimalDivisor/$GCD;
                    if (
                        strpos($Format['Code'], '0') !== false || 
                        strpos($Format['Code'], '#') !== false ||
                        substr($Format['Code'], 0, 3) == '? ?'
                        // The integer part is shown separately apart from the fraction
                        $Value = ($Value < 0 ? '-' : '').
                            $Integer ? $Integer.' ' : ''.
                        // The fraction includes the integer part
                        $AdjDecimal += $Integer * $AdjDecimalDivisor;
                        $Value = ($Value < 0 ? '-' : '').
                    // Scaling
                    $Value = $Value / $Format['Scale'];
                    if (!empty($Format['MinWidth']) && $Format['Decimals'])
                        if ($Format['Thousands'])
                            $Value = number_format($Value, $Format['Precision'],
                                self::$DecimalSeparator, self::$ThousandSeparator);
                            $Value = sprintf($Format['Pattern'], $Value);
                        $Value = preg_replace('{(0+)(\.?)(0*)}', $Value, $Format['Code']);
                // Currency/Accounting
                if ($Format['Currency'])
                    $Value = preg_replace('', $Format['Currency'], $Value);
        return $Value;
     * Attempts to approximate Excel's "general" format.
     * @param mixed Value
     * @return mixed Result
    public function GeneralFormat($Value)
        // Numeric format
        if (is_numeric($Value))
            $Value = (float)$Value;
        return $Value;
    // !Iterator interface methods
     * Rewind the Iterator to the first element.
     * Similar to the reset() function for arrays in PHP
    public function rewind()
        // Removed the check whether $this -> Index == 0 otherwise ChangeSheet doesn't work properly
        // If the worksheet was already iterated, XML file is reopened.
        // Otherwise it should be at the beginning anyway
        if ($this -> Worksheet instanceof XMLReader)
            $this -> Worksheet -> close();
            $this -> Worksheet = new XMLReader;
        $this -> Worksheet -> open($this -> WorksheetPath);
        $this -> Valid = true;
        $this -> RowOpen = false;
        $this -> CurrentRow = false;
        $this -> Index = 0;
     * Return the current element.
     * Similar to the current() function for arrays in PHP
     * @return mixed current element from the collection
    public function current()
        if ($this -> Index == 0 && $this -> CurrentRow === false)
            $this -> next();
            $this -> Index--;
        return $this -> CurrentRow;
     * Move forward to next element. 
     * Similar to the next() function for arrays in PHP 
    public function next()
        $this -> Index++;
        $this -> CurrentRow = array();
        if (!$this -> RowOpen)
            while ($this -> Valid = $this -> Worksheet -> read())
                if ($this -> Worksheet -> name == 'row')
                    // Getting the row spanning area (stored as e.g., 1:12)
                    // so that the last cells will be present, even if empty
                    $RowSpans = $this -> Worksheet -> getAttribute('spans');
                    if ($RowSpans)
                        $RowSpans = explode(':', $RowSpans);
                        $CurrentRowColumnCount = $RowSpans[1];
                        $CurrentRowColumnCount = 0;
                    if ($CurrentRowColumnCount > 0)
                        $this -> CurrentRow = array_fill(0, $CurrentRowColumnCount, '');
                    $this -> RowOpen = true;
        // Reading the necessary row, if found
        if ($this -> RowOpen)
            // These two are needed to control for empty cells
            $MaxIndex = 0;
            $CellCount = 0;
            $CellHasSharedString = false;
            while ($this -> Valid = $this -> Worksheet -> read())
                switch ($this -> Worksheet -> name)
                    // End of row
                    case 'row':
                        if ($this -> Worksheet -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT)
                            $this -> RowOpen = false;
                            break 2;
                    // Cell
                    case 'c':
                        // If it is a closing tag, skip it
                        if ($this -> Worksheet -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT)
                        $StyleId = (int)$this -> Worksheet -> getAttribute('s');
                        // Get the index of the cell
                        $Index = $this -> Worksheet -> getAttribute('r');
                        $Letter = preg_replace('{[^[:alpha:]]}S', '', $Index);
                        $Index = self::IndexFromColumnLetter($Letter);
                        // Determine cell type
                        if ($this -> Worksheet -> getAttribute('t') == self::CELL_TYPE_SHARED_STR)
                            $CellHasSharedString = true;
                            $CellHasSharedString = false;
                        $this -> CurrentRow[$Index] = '';
                        if ($Index > $MaxIndex)
                            $MaxIndex = $Index;
                    // Cell value
                    case 'v':
                    case 'is':
                        if ($this -> Worksheet -> nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT)
                        $Value = $this -> Worksheet -> readString();
                        if ($CellHasSharedString)
                            $Value = $this -> GetSharedString($Value);
                        // Format value if necessary
                        if ($Value !== '' && $StyleId && isset($this -> Styles[$StyleId]))
                            $Value = $this -> FormatValue($Value, $StyleId);
                        elseif ($Value)
                            $Value = $this -> GeneralFormat($Value);
                        $this -> CurrentRow[$Index] = $Value;
            // Adding empty cells, if necessary
            // Only empty cells inbetween and on the left side are added
            if ($MaxIndex + 1 > $CellCount)
                $this -> CurrentRow = $this -> CurrentRow + array_fill(0, $MaxIndex + 1, '');
                ksort($this -> CurrentRow);
        return $this -> CurrentRow;
     * Return the identifying key of the current element.
     * Similar to the key() function for arrays in PHP
     * @return mixed either an integer or a string
    public function key()
        return $this -> Index;
     * Check if there is a current element after calls to rewind() or next().
     * Used to check if we've iterated to the end of the collection
     * @return boolean FALSE if there's nothing more to iterate over
    public function valid()
        return $this -> Valid;
    // !Countable interface method
     * Ostensibly should return the count of the contained items but this just returns the number
     * of rows read so far. It's not really correct but at least coherent.
    public function count()
        return $this -> Index + 1;
     * Takes the column letter and converts it to a numerical index (0-based)
     * @param string Letter(s) to convert
     * @return mixed Numeric index (0-based) or boolean false if it cannot be calculated
    public static function IndexFromColumnLetter($Letter)
        $Powers = array();
        $Letter = strtoupper($Letter);
        $Result = 0;
        for ($i = strlen($Letter) - 1, $j = 0; $i >= 0; $i--, $j++)
            $Ord = ord($Letter[$i]) - 64;
            if ($Ord > 26)
                // Something is very, very wrong
                return false;
            $Result += $Ord * pow(26, $j);
        return $Result - 1;
     * Helper function for greatest common divisor calculation in case GMP extension is
     *  not enabled
     * @param int Number #1
     * @param int Number #2
     * @param int Greatest common divisor
    public static function GCD($A, $B)
        $A = abs($A);
        $B = abs($B);
        if ($A + $B == 0)
            return 0;
            $C = 1;
            while ($A > 0)
                $C = $A;
                $A = $B % $A;
                $B = $C;
            return $C;


example Call :

$Reader = new SpreadsheetReader($inputfile);
$totalCount = 0;

foreach ($Reader as $Row)

    $count_rows = $Row;

    foreach($count_rows as $countRow){
        if($countRow != ''){
            $taa = explode(' ',$countRow);
            $tCount = count($taa);
            $result[]=$countRow." ";


return implode("",$result);
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