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Make VSCode lighter🪶

Kingkor Roy Tirtho on August 05, 2021

VSCode is a really great Code Editor rather say nearly an IDE or better than that. But this costs a great amount of RAM and CPU in bigger projects....
robole profile image
Rob OLeary • • Edited

With regard to disabling extensions, it is not necessary to do this most of the time. Extensions are conditionally loaded based on their Activation Events.

For example, if you open a Python project, you would not expect a JavaScript-related extension such as Vetur to be loaded. An author could choose to load the extension always of course, but you hope they don't! You can read this article for a more in-depth discussion on this - VS Code Performance – How to Optimize Visual Studio Code and Choose the "Best" Extensions.

You can check which extensions have been loaded in the extensions sidebar. If an extension was loaded, you will see a loading time next to its name. You can see in the screenshot below that the extensions, ESLint and Format Code Action, have been loaded for my project. By clicking on the extension, you also see this in the "Runtime Status" tab also.

runtime status

You can check an extension's Activation Events in the "Feature Contributions" tab.

If you do find yourself, repeating customization like KR mentioned across projects, you can create a custom set-up for a language or project type - see Customise VS Code for a project, or per language .

scarlosenrique profile image
Carlos E Salinas •

Great info Rob , thanks!

krtirtho profile image
Kingkor Roy Tirtho •

Wow, that's a whole lot information
I really appreciate your hard work, Thanks. Keep on writing these cool stuff!!🔥🔥

robole profile image
Rob OLeary • • Edited

Thanks KR. 😀

gizawoin profile image
Gizachew •

My take away is "Turn off the lights if you don't use it."

klvenky profile image
Venkatesh KL •

Pretty simple & clean stuff which I've done while ago. I want sure it was worth sharing. Cheers

pasanflo profile image
Pablo Sánchez Flores •

Nice config, I'll give it a try. Thanks!

jzombie profile image
jzombie •

Nice article!

Quick mention there is a typo in the word "automatic" in the last heading, "Turn off autmatic typeAcquisition for Typescript only projects."

krtirtho profile image
Kingkor Roy Tirtho •

Thanks for letting me know😅 I'll fix it ASAP

ed1nh0 profile image
Edson Jr. •

What about spliting its terminal to run local servers and other stuffs?

dhyfer1 profile image
Dhyfer1 •

... or just use visual studio code online

krtirtho profile image
Kingkor Roy Tirtho •

Or try

Github codespaces is still on beta & not everyone's allowed to use it. Gitpod's much accessible & offers 50 hours of development time with maximum 4 parallel workspace for open source projects for Free

dhyfer1 profile image
Dhyfer1 •

...or you can take a look at

jeremygaither profile image
Jeremy Gaither •

This is very helpful general and specific information. But have we come to a point where VSCode is getting as resource hungry or as convoluted as pre .net core standard visual studio?

aheisleycook profile image
privatecloudev •

good tp lmlw

beyarz profile image
Beyar •

Adjusted my settings, thank you!