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My Little Adventure: A web app in aws

Try to learn some concepts of aws amplify and some concepts involved.
What is AWS Amplify
AWS Amplify is a purpose-built set of tools and features that enable frontend web and mobile developers to quickly and easily build full-stack applications on AWS.
"by AWS"

Why Amplify and Dynamodb
AWS Amplify Storage Module.
The default implementation of the storage module uses Amazon S3.
But we must create tables,we could use dynamodb.
You can then open the AppSync console with the API Amplification Console to attempt to interact with your RDS database through its GraphQL API.

GraphQL in the backend
Back-end developers want to create APIs that are intuitive and easy to explore and navigate.
"by Graphql"
It was easier with a few statements to create an api than to create a web server and then give it the functionality of an api.

I built a replica of the project 🚀 Dogecoin Price Predictor .

You could also visit my repo , i made some changes libialany ヽ(•‿•)ノ.

Not mentioned:
NodeJs scares me with some incompatible modules.

It was a project that helped me understand how amplify worked.

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