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Side Projects - Avoiding Failures to Launch

Ben Roux on December 28, 2016

This post originally appeared on Ascent The story is a familiar one. An excellent idea, simple but valuable. A fresh codebase, like a world of po...
matchilling profile image
Mathias Schilling πŸ’Ύ

... so true with regards to the stack question. Time to market is crucial for pet projects as well, either you can get the main part of your application done within 48 hours or it's hard to keep the motivation high during normal working days. Cut features for the first version if it helps. Good read though 🀘

jess profile image
Jess Lee

Your suggestion on picking a familiar stack holds so much truth! Whenever I think about a new project, there's always the novel idea of Trying Something New. But you're totally right -- if this is a project you actually intend to launch, picking a stack you're familiar with can only increase your momentum and productivity. Really appreciated reading this -- will help me remember for next time!

pmbanugo profile image
Peter Mbanugo

Just a comment on sticking with a familiar stack. I think there are projects that you obviously know that your current stack cannot solve. So it's better to build with the unfamiliar tech stack but agreed, if it's a product sticking to a familiar stack when it can solve the problem will help keep the momentum. Nice Post!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Yeah, I'm torn on this part of the advice. I think it cuts both ways in terms of getting the project done. Some new technologies are easier to pick up than others, so it's hard to paint that with broad strokes. The new tech is also sometimes the motivation for the project, and that cannot be discounted.

Though initial motivation by a new shiny toy that falls off is probably a big reason for the failure to launch idea in the first place.

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kwelch profile image
Kyle Welch

There has to be a clear motivation for the project.

If the motivation is to use the new hotness than focus the project on that. Then setup the project in a way to properly gain familiarity with the new tech.

Whereas if motivation is a hot new idea and you want to see it to market, it is typically safer to use a tried and true stack and gain the joy of the wins of seeing the project advance.

My would recommend not tying a single project together with these two disparate goals, unless you plan on leaving one by the way side to see the other succeed.

ahallock profile image
Andrew Hallock

Great advice, especially 'Pick a familiar stack'. I just had to learn React for my current side project, and while it's been an amazing journey putting the React pieces together, I've lost all momentum and interest the the actual project haha.

billiegoose profile image
Billie Hilton

I literally have like 6 side projects that are 90% complete, I just need the motivation to finish them. They get far enough along that they solve my current problem, then they sit until I need them again for something. If someone besides myself was interested in using them, that would be all it would take to motivate me to polish one of them. I just need to know if someone would actually use them.

Curiously, even my most starred project, has >150 stars but hasn't received any feedback in the form of issues or pull requests. I don't know what the "next step" is. I think I've made some great stuff but short of Twitter (which I do try to use - that's how I find most articles) I don't know how to get the word out.

jabranr profile image
Jabran Rafique

Brilliant. Great sum up. Thank you. I shall be getting some of my side projects to day light again using these advices.

coyotespike profile image

What a great post - inspires me to start a project and use it as a roadmap.