Here’s a corrected version of your text:
Imagine a scenario where a Lambda function polls messages from an SQS queue but fails to process some messages.
During batch processing, SQS doesn't track what happens after triggering Lambda. If a message fails or is throttled, it remains invisible until deleted or made visible again after the VisibilityTimeout expires. Throttled messages are treated as failures, and their ReceiveCount increases each time they're retried. If a large number of messages arrives, some may be throttled and retried repeatedly until they reach the maxReceiveCount and are moved to the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).
We implemented two solutions:
- maxReceiveCount: We increased the maxReceiveCount from 1 to 6 in the SQS queue. This was configured using CloudFormation:
Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
maxReceiveCount: 6
- VisibilityTimeout: We increased the VisibilityTimeout from 40 to 120 seconds. This was done using CloudFormation:
Type: AWS::SQS::Queue
VisibilityTimeout: 120
DelaySeconds: 30
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