DEV Community

Paolo Lulli
Paolo Lulli

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Git Black Arts

Git Black Arts

I hear quite often complaints like "Git is too complicated".

If you're thinking about saving the daily and push to some central repo, it could just be the case.

But maybe not.

Not if you've been doing some serious work with Subversion. Better if you used it with a language like Java, where a shallow dir is not all you need, and you've seen those nightmarish nested directories, all containing an hidden .svn directory with ... important data in it.

Or maybe even if you've been working with CVS, nothing more than a light abstraction on top pf RCS.

Those also were the good tools, the open ones. I don't even want to get started with legacy, proprietary monsters from the past where it was possible that the hashing function would run into conflicts when two different files produced the same hash.

I recall a project @somecompany that was developed for @somecustomer. @somecustomer had it's own CVS server, where they would expect the deliveries. @somecompany had a stong workflow, and strong developers bound to working with Subversion.

The efficient way to work with that particular customer ended up being adding .csv hidden directories to the Subversion server, just like regular source codes...

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