DEV Community

Mahi hasan Rifat
Mahi hasan Rifat

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starting 100ofCoding

After a lot of procrastination finally, I decided to start the 100ofCode challenge. Although I tried several time to learn to code but eventually failed. I have some basic knowledge of programming. Currently, I am learning Dart, flutter, and DSA & Algo with C++. So I am starting documenting my journey from today.
Day: 1
I revise the basic of dart like variable type(bool, String, int, double, final, const, var), if, else, switch, null safety, some method and to name a few.
In the DSA & Algo section, I learn about Functions (pass-by-value, initialization, Function type, parameters, return type) and arrays(initialization, index, how to fill the whole array with one value)

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