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Cover image for React-copytext
Matheus Cruz Rocha
Matheus Cruz Rocha

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It's been a long time since I created and published some packages in npmjs (when I say a long time I mean really long), and when you do these kinds of things just once in a while you forget a lot of steps.

Recently I was checking if I could find one of those components that you have a text inside a box and a button to copy text that copies the content to your clipboard. It's a simple component, really easy to build but I checked if I could find one that already exists and I couldn't find a good one (maybe it exists but is not indexed properly on the internet). These days we have a lot of components that add so much complexity to use because it has tons of features and we just want a simple one that does what it promises in a simple well, which means doing one task really well. So I thought "Maybe it's a good opportunity to build one and practice the whole workflow of publishing a package on the npmjs with automatic deploy and so on". And that's what I did.


Project readme image

Yesterday I released "react-copytext" under the namespace @nobrainers, my idea is to release more of those simple and easy-to-use components that are easy to build but not because it's easy doesn't mean it does not cost you some time to make them.

I am open to your feedback and appreciate that you spent some time reading this post. I am open to ideas about new components to put in this @nobrainers namespace.

Thanks for your attention.

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