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How to cancel a Shopify subscription?

Shopify is software that allows you to design and run your own online store and keep it running successfully on a monthly basis. Designed for users without advanced design or technical skills, the platform has the simplest functionality and a wide range of templates to quickly and easily launch any website.

Cost for Subscription

Shopify is by far the most desirable ecommerce platform for getting your store up and running quickly, but there seems to be a constant question when companies start building their stores. Which Shopify hosting plan is best for whom?

The Shopify team offers four plans to choose from Shopify Lite, Basic Shopify, Shopify, and Shopify Advanced. It's often hard to know which one to choose given you don't want to spend money on features you don't need.

Here's a breakdown of prices for each Shopify build plan:

  • Basic Shopify Planning - expenses $ 29 per month + 2.9% and ¢ 30 per transaction
  • Shopify Planning - expenses $ 79 per month + 2.6% and ¢ 30 per transaction
  • Additionally, Shopify Planning - expenses $ 299 per month + 2.4% and ¢ 30 per transaction
  • The Lite Plan starts at $ 9 per month and lets you sell on your existing website or social media pages.
  • There is also an enterprise plan, Shopify Extra, which starts at around $ 2,000 per month + 2.15% per transaction.

Reason for unsubscribing

Before learn how to cancel shopify subscription, need to say that shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms out there and is getting great reviews. But this is not for everyone.

Maybe you are not making enough sales, or you find the monthly installment too expensive.

It might be time to move your online store to another e-commerce platform where there is a low-cost option that offers many great features and recommended alternatives.

Whatever the reason you want to close your store, I'll walk you through the steps to cancel Shopify.

How do I cancel my Shopify subscription?

Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms with over a million online stores using their service. However, this does not necessarily mean that this is the best option for your business. Many business owners end up leaving Shopify due to its high prices, expensive add-ons, hidden fees, lack of built-in features, and general technical limitations.

To cancel your Shopify subscription:

  1. Cancel all third-party app subscriptions that are not paid for through Shopify.
  2. Pay off all remaining payments in your account.
  3. If you bought your domain through Shopify, transfer it to another provider.
  4. If you bought your domain from a third party, remove it from your store in the admin area.
  5. Export your product in CSV format.
  6. Go to Settings.
  7. If you haven't switched your account to SSO, click Account.
  8. If you've switched to single sign-on, click Plans and Permissions.
  9. Click Close Store and enter your password to verify.

Before starting the shutdown process

There are a few things you need to understand before you begin the process of closing your Shopify store.

1. Shopify does not issue a refund

Unfortunately, this is outlined in its service policy. However, there is a free trial without a credit card - so if you cancel during the trial period, you don't have to worry about being charged.

2. You need to pay outstanding payments

Before you can close (or pause) your Shopify store, you need to make sure you don't have unpaid invoices.

3. You will have to cancel third-party apps and tools

You must uninstall any apps that charge recurring fees, otherwise, you will still be billed.

If you are planning to close your Shopify store and have apps with a paid subscription, be aware that you will be charged for a full 30 days from the date of installation - so you can wait until the end of the cycle before closing your store.

Shopify gives app credits when you downgrade your paid subscription, but they can only be used for in-app purchases, so if you close your store you won't get paid for your unused subscription period.

With apps that you've manually installed, you'll have to cancel any billing agreements you've entered into with a third-party vendor. Removing an app from your Shopify store does not automatically cancel these agreements.

4. You need to transfer your domains

If you have your domain name for your Shopify store, you need to take action before closing your store:

  • If you have connected a third-party domain using the “connect domain” option, you just need to remove the domain from the Shopify domain list and change the DNS settings with your domain registrar.
  • If you transferred your domain to Shopify or purchased a domain through Shopify, you must transfer domain control to another domain registrar or hosting platform.

Pause instead of closing

There is an alternative to completely shutting down your Shopify store. When you pause your store, your storefront will still be available online, but the payment process will be disabled. The advantage of suspending your store is that you still have access to your admin panel.

However, you will still have to pay a monthly fee while your store is on hold. The fee is about half the cost of Shopify Basic.

If you are thinking of suspending your store, you will still need to uninstall any recurring payment apps. App payments cannot be suspended.

How to pause your Shopify store:

  • Log in to your account as the account owner
  • Go to Settings> Account
  • Click on "Pause Store" in the "Store Status" section
  • Click ‘Pause shop in the pop-up window
  • Confirm your billing cycle details

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