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High performance, cross-platform media streaming with libvlc and Chromecast

With the release of libvlc 3.0, casting your media to your TV is finally possible with libvlc (and the VLC apps). In this post, I will show you how to cast a media using LibVLCSharp, in a cross-platform way.

But before I do so, there are a few prerequisites that you should know regarding VLC's Chromecast module, as it is a bit special. To quote Geoffrey Metais, the Android VLC port maintainer:

[...] VLC is 100% Open Source and Chromecast SDK isn’t: We had to develop our very own Chromecast stack by ourselves. This is also why there is no voice actions for VLC (except with Android Auto), we cannot use Google Play Services.

Furthermore, Chromecast is not designed to play local video files: When you watch a Youtube video, your phone is just a remote controller, nothing more. Chromecast streams the video from
That’s where it becomes complicated, Chromecast only supports very few codecs number, let’s say h264. Google ensures that your video is encoded in h264 format on, so streaming is simple.
With VLC, you have media of any format. So VLC has to be a http server like, and provide the video in a Chromecast compatible format. And of course in real time, which is challenging on Android because phones are less powerful than computers [...].

Note: if you want to have a look at how it works under the hood, here is a good place to start.

So I can cast my DVDs to my Chromecast, that's cool... but how do I make use of this from .NET, on any platform?

Let's have a look at the code.

The first step is to find a Chromecast on our local network.

void DiscoverChromecasts()
    // load native libvlc libraries

    // create core libvlc object
    _libVLC = new LibVLC();

    // create a renderer discoverer
    _rendererDiscoverer = new RendererDiscoverer(_libVLC);

    // register callback when a new renderer is found
    _rendererDiscoverer.ItemAdded += RendererDiscoverer_ItemAdded;

    // start discovery on the local network
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So when a new RendererItem (typically a chromecast, or other distant renderers) has been discovered, the ItemAdded event is raised.

void RendererDiscoverer_ItemAdded(object sender, RendererDiscovererItemAddedEventArgs e)
    WriteLine($"New item discovered: {e.RendererItem.Name} of type {e.RendererItem.Type}");

    if (e.RendererItem.CanRenderVideo)
        WriteLine("Can render video");
    if (e.RendererItem.CanRenderAudio)
        WriteLine("Can render audio");

    // add newly found renderer item to local collection
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We will now start casting a media. In this example, I will use a HTTP URL, but of course local content works as well (using a crossplatform native file picker, for instance).

void StartCasting()
    // create a media
    var media = new Media(_libVLC,

    // create the mediaplayer
    _mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(_libVLC);

    // set the first discovered renderer item (chromecast) on the mediaplayer
    // if you set it to null, it will start to render normally (i.e. locally) again

    // start the playback
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The full sample is available on the VideoLAN GitLab.

It is currently implemented for both iOS and Android using Xamarin.Forms. It will however work on any platform supported by libvlc and Mono/.NET.

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