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Level Up Your Ruby Skillz: Writing Compact Code

Molly Struve (she/her) on May 29, 2019

We have all been there, we issue a Pull Request(PR) that we feel is super tight and awesome. It gets stamped "Approved", but there is a catch. Our ...
abraham profile image
Abraham Williams β€’

One small optimization I like is when chaining methods:{|n| n.even?}

can be shortened to:
molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) β€’

100% Thanks for pointing that out! I copied it from the other tutorial without even thinking that I should optimize it. Good call.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ β€’ β€’ Edited

So I was mentoring the ExamPro interns a few days ago with an introduction on Ruby and I was showing how malleable Ruby is and we came up with this meme.

enriquemorenotent profile image
Enrique Moreno Tent β€’

The last expression would give a different result if x were to be false instead on nil. Beware.

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ β€’

This is why I didn't originally include it since someone such as yourself would have spotted this. ha

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) β€’

πŸ˜‚That's fabulous!

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ β€’

In retrospect, the third should have been

x = 1 unless x
enriquemorenotent profile image
Enrique Moreno Tent β€’ β€’ Edited

Beware. This 2 lines do not do the same:

x = a.nil? ? b : a
x = a || b


a = false
b = "foo"

x = a.nil? ? b : a
# x = false

x = a || b
# x = "foo"
nestorcustodio profile image
Nestor Custodio β€’

Might I suggest you relabel the "Inline Booleans" section to "Conditionals Can Be Used As Modifiers", as "modifier syntax" is what that feature of the language is actually called.

Would make it easier for those who want to look up additional information on that.

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) β€’

Oh, thanks, I will add that!

drbragg profile image
Drew Bragg β€’

Now I want to go back to all my old code and refactor everything that says x = a if x.nil? into x ||= a That's so awesome.

omrisama profile image
Omri Gabay β€’

Really cool for beginning Rubyists. I use all of these daily (Thanks Rubocop!) except for Safety Navigator which I'll hopefully start using more now.

cescquintero profile image
Francisco Quintero πŸ‡¨πŸ‡΄ β€’

When I met Guard Clauses fell in love and now I can't stop looking for ways to use them and stop doing:

if condition
  # something
  # something else
tfisher21 profile image
Tyler Fisher β€’

This may be a month old, but I still use this cheat sheet nearly daily!

molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) β€’

YAY!!! I can't tell you how happy that makes me!!!! ❀️️

tfisher21 profile image
Tyler Fisher β€’ β€’ Edited

I finally just threw it on my bookmark bar instead of relying on browser history which made me realize I should throw up a comment ^_^

lukewduncan profile image
Luke Duncan β€’

You've done it again! This is awesome.