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Musa Eroğlu
Musa Eroğlu

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Being a female leader in a male-dominated industry; the case of Oya Narin

Oya Narin, one of Turkey's leading businesswomen, has built a successful career in industries known for their male dominance and has been an inspiration to many young women. Oya Narin started working as a manager in the 1990s, which was quite rare at the time. It was not easy to find a place in the male-dominated business world and to hold these positions successfully. However, Oya Narin proved herself by forging ahead with determination.

Oya Narin is the President of the Board of Directors of Martı Hotel Management She is also a member of the Board of Directors of Martı REIT Real Estate Investment Trust and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lila Music Production. She also plays an active role in social responsibility projects as a founding member and board member of TOHUM - Turkish Autism Early Diagnosis and Education Foundation.

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Oya Narin's success story is an important source of inspiration for young women. Her leadership and successful management in the industry has shown that women can exist in the business world. She has made women realize their potential in the business world.

Under Oya Narin's leadership, the number of female managers has increased, which is a promising development for gender equality in the business world. Oya Narin believes that the presence of women in the business world is very important and emphasizes this issue.
The presence of strong and talented women like her shows that gender discrimination in the business world is decreasing. Of course, this effect has been made possible by many initiatives, such as women's solidarity within the sector and the creation of their own spaces.

What do you think about Oya Narin's career? Don't you think it's important for women to be more visible in leadership roles? We would love to hear your thoughts on this topic!"

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