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Nicolas Fränkel
Nicolas Fränkel

Posted on • Originally published at


Null safety: Kotlin vs. Java

Last week, I was at the FOSDEM conference. FOSDEM is specific in that it has multiple rooms, each dedicated to a different theme and organized by a team. I had two talks:

The second talk is from an earlier post. Martin Bonnin did a tweet from a single slide, and it created quite a stir, even attracting Brian Goetz.

In this post, I'd like to expand on the problem of nullability and how it's solved in Kotlin and Java and add my comments to the Twitter thread.


I guess that everybody in software development with more than a couple of years of experience has heard the following quote:

I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965. At that time, I was designing the first comprehensive type system for references in an object oriented language (ALGOL W). My goal was to ensure that all use of references should be absolutely safe, with checking performed automatically by the compiler. But I couldn't resist the temptation to put in a null reference, simply because it was so easy to implement. This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage in the last forty years.

-- Tony Hoare

The basic idea behind null is that one can define an uninitialized variable. If one calls a member of such a variable, the runtime locates the memory address of the variable... and fails to dereference it because there's nothing behind it.

Null values are found in many programming languages under different names:

  • Python has None
  • JavaScript has null
  • So do Java, Scala, and Kotlin
  • Ruby has nil
  • etc.

Some languages do not allow uninitialized values, such as Rust.

Null-safety in Kotlin

As I mentioned, Kotlin does allow null values. However, they are baked into the type system. In Kotlin, every type X has two indeed two types:

  • X, which is non-nullable. No variable of type X can be null. The compiler guarantees it.

    val str: String = null

    The code above won't compile.

  • X?, which is nullable.

    val str: String? = null

    The code above does compile.

If Kotlin allows null values, why do its proponents tout its null safety? The compiler refuses to call members on possible null values, i.e., nullable types.

val str: String? = getNullableString()
val int: Int? = str.toIntOrNull()           //1
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  1. Doesn't compile

The way to fix the above code is to check whether the variable is null before calling its members:

val str: String? = getNullableString()
val int: Int? = if (str == null) null
          else str.toIntOrNull()
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The above approach is pretty boilerplate-y, so Kotlin offers the null-safe operator to achieve the same:

val str: String? = getNullableString()
val int: Int? = str?.toIntOrNull()
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Null-safety in Java

Now that we have described how Kotlin manages null values, it's time to check how Java does it. First, there are neither non-nullable types nor null-safe operators in Java. Thus, every variable can potentially be null and should be considered so.

var MyString str = getMyString();           //1
var Integer anInt = null;                   //2
if (str != null) {
    anInt = str.toIntOrNull();
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  1. String has no toIntOrNull() method, so let's pretend MyString is a wrapper type and delegates to String
  2. A mutable reference is necessary

If you chain multiple calls, it's even worse as every return value can potentially be null. To be on the safe side, we need to check whether the result of each method call is null. The following snippet may throw a NullPointerException:

var baz = getFoo().getBar().getBaz();
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Here's the fixed but much more verbose version:

var foo = getFoo();
var bar = null;
var baz = null;
if (foo != null) {
    bar = foo.getBar();
    if (bar != null) {
        baz = bar.getBaz();
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For this reason, Java 8 introduced the Optional type. Optional is a wrapper around a possibly null value. Other languages call it Maybe, Option, etc.

Java language's designers advise that a method returns:

  • Type X if X cannot be null
  • Type Optional<X> if X can be null

If we change the return type of all the above methods to Optional, we can rewrite the code in a null-safe way - and get immutability on top:

final var baz = getFoo().flatMap(Foo::getBar)
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My main argument regarding this approach is that the Optional itself could be null. The language doesn't guarantee that it's not. Also, it's not advised to use Optional for method input parameters.

To cope with this, annotation-based libraries have popped up:

Project Package Non-null annotation Nullable annotation
JSR 305 javax.annotation @Nonnull @Nullable
Spring org.springframework.lang @NonNull @Nullable
JetBrains org.jetbrains.annotations @NotNull @Nullable
Findbugs edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations @NonNull @Nullable
Eclipse org.eclipse.jdt.annotation @NonNull @Nullable
Checker framework org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual @NonNull @Nullable
JSpecify org.jspecify @NonNull @Nullable
Lombok org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual @NonNull -

However, different libraries work in different ways:

  • Spring produces WARNING messages at compile-time
  • FindBugs requires a dedicated execution
  • Lombok generates code that adds a null check but throws a NullPointerException if it's null anyway
  • etc.

Thanks to Sébastien Deleuze for mentioning JSpecify, which I didn't know previously. It's an industry-wide effort to deal with the current mess. Of course, the famous XKCD comic immediately comes to mind:

How standards proliferate by XKCD

I still hope it will work out!


Java was incepted when null-safety was not a big concern. Hence, NullPointerException occurrences are common. The only safe solution is to wrap every method call in a null check. It works, but it's boilerplate-y and makes the code harder to read.

Multiple alternatives are available, but they have issues: they aren't bulletproof, compete with each other, and work very differently.

Developers praise Kotlin for its null-safety: it's the result of its null-handling mechanism baked into the language design. Java will never be able to compete with Kotlin in this regard, as Java language architects value backward compatibility over code safety. It's their decision, and it's probably a good one when one remembers the pain of migration from Python 2 to Python 3. However, as a developer, it makes Kotlin a much more attractive option than Java to me.

To go further:

Originally published at A Java Geek on February 12th, 2023

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Top comments (20)

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cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Any thoughts on what, if any, benefit one gets from Lombok's approach? If all it does is check, but throw a NullPointerException if null, that doesn't seem any different than if you didn't check at all in the first place.

nfrankel profile image
Nicolas Fränkel

Indeed 😅

oussama_lahmidi_43fd5e509 profile image
Oussama Lahmidi • Edited

The difference is that it checks for nullability before executing method logic so it prevents it from execution.

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

But it seems that all it does is throw the same exception that would be thrown if you didn't check to begin with. Or am I missing something?

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oussama_lahmidi_43fd5e509 profile image
Oussama Lahmidi

Yes but here's an example:
Let's say you have this function :

void doSomething(Person person) {
// Some logic
 var name = person.getName();
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Let's say person is NULL. Without the annotation, the method will start execution and will only raise the NPE when you it reaches var name = person.getName() statement. While when you use the annotation, nullability is checked before invocation of the method, hence interrupting the logic of the method.

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cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Yes, I understand what it does. My point is that what it does serves no useful purpose. Whether the NullPointerException is thrown by Lombok's generated null check or by the attempt to invoke a method on a null reference, the result is essentially the same behavior. Preventing execution of any of the method body, but still throwing the exception, would only make a difference if that exception was caught somewhere. And catching a NullPointerException is a code smell, as is catching most runtime exceptions.

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alxgrk profile image
Alexander Girke • Edited

I agree that Lombok's approach is barely useful, but also think there is one exception. It's basically what @oussama_lahmidi_43fd5e509 expressed by // some logic in his code example: if the logic has side effects (like sending a message to a queue or writing to a database), you probably wouldn't want that code to execute if the rest of the method fails due to such a programming mistake. Of course, this can only serve as a very small safety net to human errors, but might save you from bad consequences.

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cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

Thanks. That is a good example. You have a bug to fix either way, but in that case Lombok's generated null check may minimize extent such as preventing writing to a DB or some other similar thing.

msegmx profile image

Thanks for this great article!

I always wondered; is there a good argument against a flag that would make the Java compiler become null aware? Introducing such a flag would obviously break backward compatibility, but for newly created projects it might solve the NPE problem.. and who knows, 10 years from now when enough projects/libraries have adopted the approach it might become the default?

nfrankel profile image
Nicolas Fränkel

Java language architects value backward compatibility over code safety

You missed my my assumption in the conclusion. If you want to go beyond it, you'll need to ask the architects themselves

ant_kuranov profile image
Anton Kuranov

Nullability is good when used with immutable data. But it starts to bother you when working with stateful structures. For example the lazy initialization problem, where Kotlin developers needed to implement such ugly hacks like lateinit. Another example is web validation: initially you receive from your page a form mapped to a "draft" DTO where all fields are nullable. And after the validation you should map this DTO to another "clean" one where all required fields are non-nullable. So in some cases the static nullability becomes mostly annoying than really useful.

The general problem is that in most cases the nullability can not be defined statically at compile time because it depends on the context. So I think a good programming language apart from nullable and non-nullable types should also consider a type with unchecked nullability.

nfrankel profile image
Nicolas Fränkel

It's an interesting viewpoint. Why would you use mutable data structures?

I find myself using more and more immutable ones. Even better, Kotlin extension functions allow you going from one immutable incomplete data structure to another immutable complete data structure. You can materialize in our code the valid state of your structures.

ant_kuranov profile image
Anton Kuranov

When you write something more complex that an API wrapper over a database, and your application becomes stateful, you need mutable structures. For example JPA, STM, UIs, Graphs: they are all based on stateful structures.

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nfrankel profile image
Nicolas Fränkel

"When your application becomes stateful, you need mutable data structures" could be seen as a tautology but us wrong: you can create another immutable structure reflecti5 the new state.

The fact that JPA, designed 15 years ago, uses mutability is no proof. Just don't use it.

cicirello profile image
Vincent A. Cicirello

I have a question related to this statement:

Java will never be able to compete with Kotlin in this regard, as Java language architects value backward compatibility over code safety.

Shouldn't it be possible to add an annotation-based approach for null safety to Java while maintaining backwards compatibility? Maybe adopting the specific approach of one of the many libraries, or a variation.

nfrankel profile image
Nicolas Fränkel

The problem is the compiler: Kotlin's is null aware, not Java's. Hence, it's able to deduce whether a variable can be null or not. Annotations require work and are error-prone

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard • Edited

It's a great example of a YAGNI or PAGNI exception.
Most of the time the decisions you take can be reversed if it turns out not so great. So don't design a cathedral from day one, start with something simple and iterate.
It's a really important principle for developer sanity.
At the same time, there a few key areas that a senior developer should know where you should invest time and efforts in up-front design, because "fixing" the mistake after the fact sucks a lot.

See YAGNI and PAGNIs here

nfrankel profile image
Nicolas Fränkel

I'm not sure I understand your comment in regard to the content 🤔

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

I mean that it's good that Java tries to fix the initial mistake in its type system soundness. But that's obviously much harder than it would have been if like Kotlin they got it right from the start. It's one area where upfront design is really worth it.

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nfrankel profile image
Nicolas Fränkel

Got it now.

The thing is, Java is not trying to fix anything... yet?

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