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Patrick Demers
Patrick Demers

Posted on • Updated on

Fleet Telemetry: Streaming Data from Your Tesla

Tesla's recent rollout of fleet-telemetry empowers authorized users to seamlessly stream real-time data directly from Tesla vehicles. Let's delve into the process of initiating live data streaming from a Tesla vehicle.

To make this as smooth as possible, a few important notes:

  • I created a Postman collection to help with the API requests sent during this tutorial.
  • The latest documentation for Tesla's Fleet API is available here.

Create a Developer Account

To begin your quest for data, first create a developer account on Tesla's official developer portal:

I recommend selecting all scopes as there is no downside. Here is my configuration for Client Details:

Client Details of Tesla developer application

Finishing Application Registration

Once your developer application is created, you must register it with Fleet API.

This includes submitting a certificate signing request (CSR) to Tesla. To create one, first generate a private key.

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out private-key.pem
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Now, derive its public key.

openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
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Make this public key accessible at:

Note: there are two domains you may use throughout this tutorial. The first one is your public domain users are familiar with (such as This is the domain you host your public key on. The second domain is the domain your fleet-telemetry server is exposed on (such as

Now, using the private key, create a CSR.

openssl req -out -key private_key.pem -subj / -new
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With all this created, let's send it to Tesla.

  1. In Postman, fill in your environment variables (client id, client secret, scopes, audience, redirect uri).
  2. Send the "Generate Partner Token" request.
  3. Send the "Register Partner Account" request.
    • Input the appropriate domain and csr in the body.

Sample body:

  "domain": "",
  "csr": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\ncert_data\n-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----\n
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Once this is submitted, Tesla will process the CSR and update your account on the backend accordingly. It may take a few weeks to process. In the meanwhile, check out all the capabilities of Fleet API.

After CSR Confirmation

Once you receive a confirmation email from Tesla, you can begin configuring your fleet-telemetry server. Since the server will need to be accessible to the world, I am using a Linode nano server to run everything.

1. Create another CSR (optional)

If the domain your fleet-telemetry server will be on is different from the domain used in the CSR above, create a new CSR for this domain.

2. Obtain a Certificate and CA Bundle

Next, we need to obtain a certificate for fleet-telemetry to use for TLS connections. There are many ways to do this, but I opted for a free and simple soution: LetsEncrypt and Certbot.

Note: Ensure your server's DNS is configured for this to work.

# install certbot
sudo snap install --classic certbot

# ensure certbot command can be run
sudo ln -s /snap/bin/certbot /usr/bin/certbot

# create the certificate
# when offered http server or validation files, I opted for http server (option 1)
certbot certonly -d --csr

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The output of this last command should tell you where the certificate and full certificate chain are located. Copy these files into an easy to access directory.

Successfully received certificate.
Certificate is saved at:            /root/fleet-telemetry/0000_cert.pem
Intermediate CA chain is saved at:  /root/fleet-telemetry/0000_chain.pem
Full certificate chain is saved at: /root/fleet-telemetry/0001_chain.pem
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Create fleet-telemetry config

The fleet-telemetry server takes a JSON configuration file. You can take this template and customize accordingly:

  "host": "",
  "hostname": "",
  "port": 443,
  "log_level": "debug",
  "json_log_enable": true,
  "namespace": "telemetry",
  "reliable_ack": false,
  "rate_limit": {
    "enabled": false,
    "message_limit": 100
  "records": {
    "alerts": [
    "errors": [
    "V": [
  "tls": {
    "server_cert": "path to certificate from previous step",
    "server_key": "path to private key"
  "ca": "content of full certificate chain file from previous step"
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The hostname and ca fields are not required. They must be included to use the script later in tutorial.

Start your server

There are many ways to start your fleet-telemetry server. I opted to use Docker with the following docker-compose.yml:

version: '3.8'

      context: ./repo
      - /path/on/host/to/certs:/config
      - /path/on/host/to/config.json:/etc/fleet-telemetry/config.json
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This requires having fleet-telemetry cloned to the repo directory:

git clone repo
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Then, start the server with docker compose up.

However you run fleet-telemetry, ensure your server is accessible to the outside world on port 443. This is the port vehicles use when connecting.

Validate server configuration

Tesla provides a handy script to ensure your server is configured properly.

From your local machine, run the script. Pass in the path to your server's config.json:

./ config.json
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Before moving on, be sure to get the success message from this script.

Send configuration to vehicle

Once the server configuration is validated, it's time to try sending data from a real vehicle.

The endpoints we used earlier required Partner Account tokens. The endpoints we will be using here act on behalf of a customer account.

When we called the "Generate Partner Token" endpoint earlier, an environment variable AUTHORIZE_URL was created in Postman. Grab that URL and paste it into your browser. This redirects to Tesla for authenticating with a customer account.

Once Tesla redirects to the redirect URI, extract the code from the URL parameters and paste it into the CALLBACK_CODE environment variable in Postman.

Now, go back to Collections in Postman. Send the "Code Exchange" request.

Next, let's setup and send the "Send Fleet Telemetry Config" request. This places your streaming config on a vehicle.

Here is an example body for the request:

    "vins": [
    "config": {
        "hostname": "",
        "port": 443,
        "ca": "full certificate chain (actual contents, not path)",
        "fields": {
            "Soc": {
                "interval_seconds": 30
        "alert_types": [
        "exp": 1724472088
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You can view all possible fields in this file.

Once you send the request, the impacted VINs will begin trying to send data shortly.

Receiving Data

If everything went smoothly, the logs from your fleet-telemetry server should begin showing realtime vehicle data.

Here's a sample of what I received:

    "data": [
            "key": "Soc",
            "value": {
                "stringValue": "79.147"
    "createdAt": "2024-02-24T07:23:58.314605660Z",
    "vin": "TESLA00000001"
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If you aren't receiving data or are seeing TLS errors, send a request to the "Fleet Telemetry Errors" endpoint. It shows any errors the vehicle is encountering.

    "response": {
        "fleet_telemetry_errors": [
                "created_at": "2024-02-24T06:54:20.660684365Z",
                "error": "\"webconnection error: x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs instead\" cm_type=stream",
                "error_name": "cloud_manager_error",
                "hostname": "",
                "name": "121c18bba1fc-4058-bd98-687727180599",
                "port": "443",
                "txID": "edf2ba8d-cc8b-4d03-b619-74bd5a0e0be8",
                "vin": "TESLA00000001"
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If you made it this far, hopefully you are seeing realtime data from your vehicle. Nice work! Hopefully you can leverage this data to build something awesome 😎

Top comments (19)

bre77 profile image
Brett Adams

I was considering writing an article just like this a few hours ago, so glad to see you already have. I got access to Fleet Telemetry this morning and have successfully implemented it on to send Webhooks or Server Side Events.

sjhill01 profile image
Steve Hill

So you subscribe on their behalf and post it back out to their provided webhook on each report?

urkman profile image
Stefan Sturm

when editing the config.json I need to fill the content of the full certificate chain file:
"ca": "content of full certificate chain file from previous step"

But the content is multiline code like this:

How can I add this multiline code to the config.json?

urkman profile image
Stefan Sturm

OK, found it. Every line need a \n and then join to one line...

Now I can use the check script but it gives me:

The server certificate has a valid partial chain, and may work with the root chain.

What can be the problem here?

patrickdemers6 profile image
Patrick Demers

Looks like verification is passing with -partial_chain flag. From openssl docs:

Allow verification to succeed if an incomplete chain can be built. That is, a chain ending in a certificate that normally would not be trusted (because it has no matching positive trust attributes and is not self-signed) but is an element of the trust store. This certificate may be self-issued or belong to an intermediate CA.

slashmili profile image

One question, why do we need to send ca in the body of Send Fleet Telemetry Config?

I'm asking because in practice it means every 3 months that the TLS certificate changes(assuming I'm using let's encrypt) I have to resubmit my whole fleet configs.

slashmili profile image

Or is it only needed on the first time when the vehicle is configured?

blizzfire profile image

Hello and thanks for this great post!
May I ask you how long it took for Tesla to get back to you after you submitted the CSR?
In step 9 of their fleet api Github repo they mention it may take up to two weeks

Have you contacted them via email or just waited for them to get back to you?

vbarrier profile image
Vincent Barrier

Did they get back to you?

I'm still waiting since 2024-03-31

sjhill01 profile image
Steve Hill

It took more than the advertised 2 weeks for me - just got my response this week and probably submitted it around the same time you did.

Thread Thread
vbarrier profile image
Vincent Barrier

Thank you Steve, There were a problem on my account CSR was not attached but it is fixed!

vbarrier profile image
Vincent Barrier • Edited

Hi Patrick, thank you for this tutorial. I helps a lot! I still have some questions?

=> My app domain is registered like not with a classic (newbie error), will it work to have : (certificate has been generated properly)

=> I have sent a CSR to tesla for, I got a response 200 with :

"response": {
"account_id": "4625141***",
"domain": "www.*****.com",
"name": "***",
"description": "***",
"csr": null,
"client_id": "****",
"ca": null,
"created_at": "2023-10-25T17:17:48.744Z",
"updated_at": "2023-11-17T23:14:46.079Z",
"enterprise_tier": "free",
"issuer": null,
"csr_updated_at": null,
"public_key": "0451016f6299****"

But I see null for CA and CSR. Do you think that the CSR will be processed? Should I do something else?

Thank you!

sjhill01 profile image
Steve Hill

Yes, that will work. I'm using "" for my app registration and "" for the fleet-telemetry server and it seems ok with that. Granted I can't get my certs to load correctly yet so I can't prove it...

sjhill01 profile image
Steve Hill

Is there any information out there about rate/data limits? I swear I had seen some at one point, and maybe I'm just blind and am missing it, but I know if I try to be too aggressive it tells me, but what can I get away with?

bts profile image
bts • Edited

Strange, the telemetry-config has been synced to the car, my server is running, the CSR-request was accepted by Tesla, check_server_cert states 'The server certificate is valid.', but I do not get any data... If I query the Fleet Telemetry Errors endpoint with my partner bearer token, I get an empty fleet_telemetry_errors return...

bts profile image

Ok, seems like I missed only one step. Although I think the on the github page did not described it a week ago. You need to redirect the owner of the vehicle you want to install the virtual key on to and let the owner accept this with his app... After doing this last step, data began streaming into my server.

bts profile image

the impacted VINs will begin trying to send data shortly

How long is shortly? Just to have an idea. I've sent the config to a MY 2023 model, which accepted it. When requesting its config, the 'synced' field remains 'false'. Even after > 1 hour and waking up de tesla and even driving it for 2 minutes...

bts profile image

ok, the vehicle now states 'synced'='true'. I guess it may take a while...

sjhill01 profile image
Steve Hill

In your example telemetry server config you have "path to certificate from previous step" but really this is some path expected inside the container, isn't it?