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Create a Django app in less than 2 minutes

Django is a Popular Web framework in the pythonic world since its inception in 2005 as there's consistent growth of developers and users alike ever since.

A Django site.

If you love Python in the Backend, creating a Django app is more fun than you thought.

Virtual environment (venv)

Virtual environment makes sure the packages and dependencies you install do not end up globally in the site-packges folder of your Python installation directory and in the current project folder.

The following command will create a virtual environment in the current working directory

py -m venv venv
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You can activate your virtual environment using the command (in windows)

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Once you have your virtual environment activated, we are ready to go.

Installing Django

Django package can be installed with following command

py -m pip install Django
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After the installation is completed, we can start a new Django project

django-admin startproject demo .
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Notice the presence of '.' a dot at the end of the command. Omitting this dot will result in a nested project structure same as our app name 'demo1'(in this case)

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Starting the Dev Server

Now that we have our demo project created, let's check if our django app is installed properly

py runserver
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You will notice certain warnings about migrations which you can ignore for now

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That's it. We now have our first Django app up and running

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