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Prince Chouhan
Prince Chouhan

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Laws of UX πŸ“œ

Day 13: Laws of UX πŸ“œ

πŸ‘‹ Hello, Dev Community!

I'm Prince Chouhan, a B.Tech CSE student with a passion for UI/UX design. Today, I'm exploring the important Laws of UX.

πŸ—“οΈ Day 13 Topic: Laws of UX

πŸ“š Today's Learning Highlights:

Concept Overview:

UX laws are principles guiding the design and development of user-centered digital products, websites, and interfaces. They aim to create products that are usable, efficient, effective, and satisfying for users.

Image description

Key Takeaways:

1️⃣ Hick's Law:

πŸ”Έ Definition: Decision time increases with the number of choices.

πŸ”Έ Application: Reduce options for faster decision-making.

πŸ”Έ Example: Limit navigation menu options.

2️⃣ Fitts' Law:

πŸ”Έ Definition: Time to move to a target depends on distance and size.

πŸ”Έ Application: Make important targets large and easy to reach.

πŸ”Έ Example: Large, easily accessible buttons.

3️⃣ Jakob's Law:

πŸ”Έ Definition: Users expect your site to work like others they know.

πŸ”Έ Application: Use familiar design patterns.

πŸ”Έ Example: Main navigation at the top or left side.

4️⃣ Gestalt Principles:

πŸ”Έ Definition: Principles describing how humans perceive visual information.

πŸ”Έ Key Principles: Proximity, Similarity, Continuity, Closure, Figure-Ground, Common Region.

πŸ”Έ Example: Group related elements by proximity.

5️⃣ Von Restorff Effect (Isolation Effect):

πŸ”Έ Definition: Items that stand out are more likely to be remembered.

πŸ”Έ Application: Use contrast and color to highlight important elements.

πŸ”Έ Example: Design CTA buttons with contrasting colors.

Image description


πŸ”Έ Implementing multiple UX laws simultaneously can be complex.

πŸ”Έ Balancing between simplicity and functionality.


πŸ”Ή Prioritize UX laws based on the project requirements and user needs.

πŸ”Ή Test and iterate to find the best balance.

Practical Application:

  1. Reduce Choices: Limit the number of options in navigation menus.

  2. Optimize Targets: Make frequently used buttons large and accessible.

  3. Use Familiar Patterns: Design consistent with popular sites.

  4. Apply Gestalt Principles: Group related elements and create visual hierarchy.

  5. Highlight Key Elements: Use contrast and color to make important items stand out.

πŸ“’ Community Engagement:*

How do you apply these UX laws in your design work? Share your insights!

πŸ’¬ Quote of the Day:

"Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent." - Joe Sparano

πŸŽ‰ Module Completion:

I've successfully completed Module 2 - UI Design Principles, covering: Layout

Visual Hierarchy

Visual Noise




Color Palette




Laws of UX

πŸ”œ Next Module: Figma Academy

I will now explore Module 3, learning about Figma tools, techniques for creating and editing designs, and effective collaboration.

Thank you for following my UI/UX design journey! Stay tuned for more updates.

UIUXDesign #DesignThinking #UserExperience #UIDesign #UXDesign #DesignPrinciples #WebDesign #GraphicDesign #InteractionDesign #DigitalDesign #ui #ux #figma

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