psnebc@localhost ~ ssh
psnebc@'s password:
Last login: Mon Apr 23 20:53:34 2018 from
[psnebc@centos ~]$ su -
Letzte Anmeldung: Montag, den 23. April 2018, 22:40:52 CEST auf tty1
[root@centos ~]# cd /tmp/
[root@centos tmp]# sh
sh sha224sum sha384sum shasum shopt showconsolefont showkey shuf
sha1sum sha256sum sha512sum shift show-changed-rco show-installed shred shutdown
[root@centos tmp]# sh
Welcome to the Virtualmin GPL installer, version 6.0.8
This script must be run on a freshly installed supported OS. It does not
perform updates or upgrades (use your system package manager) or license
changes (use the "virtualmin change-license" command).
The systems currently supported by are:
CentOS/RHEL Linux 6 and 7 on x86_64
Debian 7, 8, and 9, on i386 and amd64
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS, on i386 and amd64
If your OS/version/arch is not listed, installation will fail. More
details about the systems supported by the script can be found here:
The selected package bundle is LAMP and the size of install is
full. It will require up to 650 MB of disk space.
Exit and re-run this script with --help flag to see available options.
Continue? (y/n) y
Virtualmin may already be installed. This can happen if an installation failed,
and can be ignored in that case.
But, if Virtualmin has already successfully installed you should not run this
script again! It will cause breakage to your existing configuration.
Updates and upgrades can be performed from within Virtualmin. To change
license details, use the 'virtualmin change-license' command.
Changing the license never requires re-installation.
Really Continue? (y/n) y
[INFO] Started installation log in /root/virtualmin-install.log
▣□□ Phase 1 of 3: Setup
Updating yum Groups [ ✔ ]
Downloading virtualmin-release-latest.noarch.rpm [ ✔ ]
Installing virtualmin-release package [ ✔ ]
▣▣□ Phase 2 of 3: Installation
Downloading epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm [ ✔ ]
Installing EPEL release package [ ✔ ]
Installing yum-utils [ ✔ ]
Enabling extras repository [ ✔ ]
Installing scl-utils [ ✔ ]
Install Software Collections release package [ ✔ ]
Installing PHP7 [ ✔ ]
Marking 'Virtualmin LAMP Stack' for install [ ✔ ]
Marking 'Virtualmin Core' for install [ ✔ ]
Installing dependencies and system packages [ ✔ ]
Installing Virtualmin and all related packages [ ✔ ]
Cleaning up software repo metadata [ ✔ ]
Installing updates to Virtualmin-related packages [ ✔ ]
▣▣▣ Phase 3 of 3: Configuration
[1/23] Configuring AWStats [ ✔ ]
[2/23] Configuring Apache [ ✔ ]
[3/23] Configuring Bind [ ✔ ]
[4/23] Configuring ClamAV [ ✔ ]
[5/23] Configuring Dovecot [ ✔ ]
[6/23] Configuring Firewalld [ ✔ ]
[7/23] Configuring MySQL [ ✔ ]
[8/23] Configuring NTP [ ✔ ]
[9/23] Configuring Net [ ✔ ]
[10/23] Configuring ProFTPd [ ✔ ]
[11/23] Configuring Procmail [ ✔ ]
[12/23] Configuring Quotas
The filesystem / could not be remounted with quotas enabled.
You may need to reboot your system, and/or enable quotas in the Disk
Quotas module. [ ⚠ ]
[13/23] Configuring SASL [ ✔ ]
[14/23] Configuring Shells [ ✔ ]
[15/23] Configuring SpamAssassin [ ✔ ]
[16/23] Configuring Status [ ✔ ]
[17/23] Configuring Upgrade [ ✔ ]
[18/23] Configuring Usermin [ ✔ ]
[19/23] Configuring Webalizer [ ✔ ]
[20/23] Configuring Webmin [ ✔ ]
[21/23] Configuring Fail2banFirewalld [ ✔ ]
[22/23] Configuring Postfix [ ✔ ]
[23/23] Configuring Virtualmin [ ✔ ]
▣▣▣ Cleaning up
[SUCCESS] Installation Complete!
[SUCCESS] If there were no errors above, Virtualmin should be ready
[SUCCESS] to configure at https://centos.localhost:10000.
[root@centos tmp]# reboot
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