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5 JavaScript Console Methods That will Improve your Debugging Skills🚀

Bentil Shadrack on August 08, 2022

The console is a JavaScript object that grants developers access to a browsers debugging console. Shortcuts to open the console in browse...
bluefalconhd profile image
Hayes Dombroski • • Edited

You can also apply css styling to certain messages in the console, if you need something to stand out. Use console.log("%cTEXT", "color: purple; font-size: 20px")

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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bluefalconhd profile image
Hayes Dombroski •

yep! I mistyped!

pelv profile image
Alex Benfaremo •

I've made a small npm package to better handle "tagged and colored" console.logs:

Nothing special but it has some fancy feature (hide log on prod build).
This post make me realise i should add the table and dir consoles, even if they doesn't really need styling.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack • • Edited

Yes! that's also a great way of identifying the log messages at different run points in your code for easy debugging.

Thank you!🚀

mahanjs profile image
mahan-js •


daspete profile image
Das PeTe •

Please stop using the console.* Methods for debugging... There is a reason why breakpoints and the debugger was invented ..

travisvadnais profile image
Travis Vadnais •

Another alternative is to just write perfect code in the first place. Much easier that way.

decker67 profile image
decker •

Did you ever try to debug a vue/react/... appliation, it simply does not work in most cases to place a breakpoint or get to a specific line, due to the compiling and optimizing. So console.log is the last resort.

daspete profile image
Das PeTe •

Yes, but you are right, it takes some setup to get the debugger working on a Vue or react app... But it's possible.

tosey profile image
Tosin Seyi •


ammartinwala52 profile image
Ammar Tinwala •

Thanks for this article. There is one thing I wish you would have added.
console.log({}). This way of debugging helps when we need to name the output's that we are printing on the console.

e.g: console.log({testData: 'abc'});

We can directly use variables in the console.log in the above way that will give us the name of the variable along with the output.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack •

Thank you for the addition.
Really welcomed🙌

imakashrana profile image
Akash Chauhan •

The importance of gaming in Javascript is vast. It helps with hand-eye coordination, problem solving, and logic skills. Gaming can also relieve stress, improve moods, and promote social interaction.
Here find how you can improve your JavaScript skills with Javascript gaming

abzave profile image
Abraham Meza Vega •

This is really great!
Another trick I've been using so far to debug multiple variables is to print them all in a object. i.e:
console.log({ var1, var2, var3 });

thealpha706 profile image
TheAlpha706 •

Log and debug better with this tool I'm building

Still working on the docs 😊

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack •

I will check it out

virginiel profile image
VirginieLemaire •

Thanks for remembering me some. I discovered the others, great!

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack •

I'm glad to help😊

edd67nj profile image
Rick •

Thanks Bentil - This is a helpful summary of relevant Console object methods.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack •

I'm glad you found it helpful.✨