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Matt Miller
Matt Miller

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Mastering Centering with CSS place-items Property: A Comprehensive Guide

The place-items property in CSS offers a powerful shorthand for aligning and justifying content within grid and flexbox layouts. By combining the functionalities of align-items and justify-items, place-items simplifies the process of achieving both horizontal and vertical centering. In this guide, we'll explore the syntax, usage, and accepted values of the place-items property, uncovering its versatility and usefulness in various layout contexts.

Understanding place-items Property:

The place-items property aligns and justifies content within a grid or flexbox container, offering a convenient shorthand for centering elements both vertically and horizontally.


.item {
  display: grid; /* or flex */
  place-items: <align-items> <justify-items>;
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Common Usage:

Horizontal and Vertical Centering with Grid:

.center-inside-of-me {
  display: grid;
  place-items: center;
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Behavior and Accepted Values:

Dual Values:

  • The first value represents align-items, aligning content along the vertical (column) axis.
  • The second value represents justify-items, aligning content along the horizontal (row) axis.


.item {
  display: grid;
  place-items: start center; /* Align items to the start vertically, and center horizontally */
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Single Value:

  • If only one value is provided, it sets both align-items and justify-items to the same value.


.item {
  display: grid;
  place-items: start; /* Align items to the start both vertically and horizontally */
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Contextual Behavior:

  • The behavior of place-items varies based on the context it is used in, such as grid or flexbox layouts.
  • Certain values may only apply to flexbox or grid layouts, and some may affect align-items or justify-items specifically.


The place-items property offers a convenient and versatile way to align and justify content within grid and flexbox layouts. By understanding its syntax, behavior, and accepted values, developers can leverage place-items to streamline centering operations and achieve consistent and visually pleasing layouts across various design contexts.

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