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Ronald R
Ronald R

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Syncing the maps..

This time, I went on a different approach. After very well-informed feedback, I was advised to talk personally, which I never actually knew how a blog works. I know how articles, journals, and documents work, but I never realized what truly a blog is.

So for this lab, I am going to talk specifically more on the experience and what I learned. After the release of 0.1, I was asked to improve upon the work, from how it is used, how it looked, and how it operates. For this task, I focused more on how it's used and operates. I know this is something I should do more often even in life, with how things look, but I adapted the so-called saying, "if it works, it works." I didn't care if something was messy because if it serves its purpose, I'm okay with it, which I know is something I really need to improve on.

With this one update of 2.0, I decided to rework the entirety of my tool.

The features now include a revision of:

  1. Convert Text to HTML: Process individual text files, whether they are in a folder or not, and convert their content to HTML format for improved readability.

  2. Specify Output Directory: Provide users with the option to specify a custom output directory where HTML files will be saved. If the directory doesn't exist, create it automatically.

  3. Create Markdown Files: Allow users to create new Markdown files for flexible and structured text formatting.

  4. Markdown Formatting Features:

    • Bold Text: Support for formatting text as bold.
    • Italicized Text: Support for formatting text as italicized.
    • Inline Code Blocks: Enable users to include inline code with either single backticks () or triple backticks (``) and ensure proper code formatting.
    • Horizontal Rules: Offer support for horizontal rules to visually separate content sections in Markdown.

I decided to remove the CSS part because I felt that it did not serve its purpose properly aside from placing design, so I decided to place a "Specify Output Directory" -o into Waypoint.

Now for the two new support for Markdown, I decided to create a Horizontal Rule and inline code. At first, I wanted to place in language, but ultimately, I decided that the separation of lines and codes would be better suited for the task.

Issue - 9 Inline Code Blocks

This was supposed to be Issue 13, but I failed to realize that even PR (pull requests) are numbered. But with a Markdown with backticks of a single '' or triple '' would be placed inside an HTML ' text ' tag. Since we are working with code and syntax primarily, having this feature was very beneficial for anyone who uses Waypoint.

Issue - 15 Horizontal RULES

This was a very interesting feature because it somehow made the conversion tidier. It's a simple line separating any text above or below it. It was much better to look at than having multiple spaces which can sometimes make a document look unprofessional and messy.

This lab was really an eye-opener for me as it provided me with a lot of ways to improve Waypoint. With the next Release 0.2, we are participating in Hacktoberfest 2023. I have to be honest; I am very excited to participate because not only will I get my hands on a project that I want to be in, but also be able to reverse engineer and learn from it.

I was looking at Open Interpreter the other day, which is a similar chatbot to ChatGPT, but this one runs locally and offline. However, I wasn't able to run it because I needed an API key for GPT-4, which I don't have. I created one but it did not work properly. I still need to learn how to run it, but overall reverse engineering seemed straightforward with imports being the main focus for Python machine learning.

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